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Regular Office Hours: Th 1-2:00 pm Fall 2017 semester; 200E Blum Hall
Teaching Record and Awards (pdf)
Courses Taught in Spring 2018
M 1-3:00 pm; B100 Blum Hall | DevEng 210: Impact Design – Development Engineering Research and Practice Development Engineering represents a new interdisciplinary field that integrates engineering, economics, business, natural resource development and social sciences to develop, implement and evaluate new technological interventions that address the needs of people living in poverty in developing regions and low-income areas of the United States. This seminar, offered each spring term, will focus on work-in-progress presentations by the students, as well as faculty and guest lecturers. This seminar is a required course for the Designated Emphasis in Development Engineering.The faculty members co-teaching the required Development Engineering Research and Practice Seminar will be the faculty advisors for the Dev Eng graduate students presenting their research in the seminar. This term, the overarching focus of discussion will be on Innovation at the Nexus of Food, Water, and Energy Systems (InFEWS, a new training program in the development engineering ecosystem). |
Courses Taught in Fall 2017
T Th 11:00am-12:30 pm; 310 Jacobs Hall | ME292C: Human-Centered Design Methods (syllabus). This course provides hands-on and real world experience in the development of innovative and realistic customer-driven engineered products, services or systems. Design methods and tools are introduced, and the student’s design ability is developed in a capstone design project or equivalent. The course is organized around the following modules: design research, analysis & synthesis, concept generation & creativity, prototyping, communication & visualization. Students will be expected to use tools and methods of professional practice and use these tools to consider the social, economic and environmental implications of their products, services or systems. There is an emphasis on hands-on innovative thinking, teamwork, and effective communication. |
M 5-6; 534 Davis Hall | CEE 292A: Technologies for Sustainable Societies. Exploration of selected important technologies that serve major societal needs, such as shelter, water, food, energy, and transportation, and waste management. How specific technologies or technological systems do or do not contribute to a move toward sustainability. This is a required course for the Engineering and Business for Sustainability certificate. |
Th 6:30-8:30 pm;310 Jacobs Hall | Human-Centered {design.} DeCal. This course was originally inspired by ME110 as a student taught DeCal course for students in any major or grade level. It is team-taught by students in Berkeley Innovation. I serve as faculty sponsor. {design.} is a Berkeley Innovation-hosted, introductory class to design theory and practice, with a focus on human-centered design. Students learn about the design process and industry, practice using industry-standard tools, engage in hands-on activities during class and in homework assignments, and complete a midterm and a final design project. During the Fall 2017 semester, the 2-unit P/NP course meets once a week, 6:30-8:30 PM on Thursdays in 310 Jacobs. There are no prerequisites – this class is for anyone interested in learning about human-centered design. Check back soon for more information about finding us on Sproul, the class syllabus, enrollment, and more! |
Courses Taught in Spring 2017
W 3-5 pm
B100 Blum Hall |
DevEng 210: Impact Design – Development Engineering Research and Practice Development Engineering represents a new interdisciplinary field that integrates engineering, economics, business, natural resource development and social sciences to develop, implement and evaluate new technological interventions that address the needs of people living in poverty in developing regions and low-income areas of the United States. This seminar, offered each spring term, will focus on work-in-progress presentations by the students, as well as faculty and guest lecturers. This seminar is a required course for the Designated Emphasis in Development Engineering.The faculty members co-teaching the required Development Engineering Research and Practice Seminar will be the faculty advisors for the Dev Eng graduate students presenting their research in the seminar. This term, the overarching focus of discussion will be on Innovation at the Nexus of Food, Water, and Energy Systems (InFEWS, a new training program in the development engineering ecosystem). |
Courses Taught in Fall 2016
W 12:30-2; F 1-2:30; 220 Jacobs Hall
Canceled, to be taught in another semester |
DevEng 210: Design for Impact – Development Engineering Theory and Practice. This graduate course explores contemporary research in engineering design and prototyping, as well as related cognitive issues in engineering curricular development, pedagogy, and assessment. One recurring theme throughout the course will be the duality between learning and design: design-based research, design as a pedagogy for integrative learning and the role of cognition and the learning sciences in the practice of engineering design. It has been motivated by several reforms: (1) National efforts to better train and educate engineers for the engineering workplace in the 21st Century: to better prepare engineers to face multidisciplinary problems and product design in competitive industries and improve their skills in teamwork and communication. (2) Efforts to improve how engineers build robust problem-solving, design and prototyping skills. (3) Advances in accessible prototyping technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutters and the popularity of the Maker movement. (4) Diversity Issues of ethnicity and gender in the engineering programs and practice. This course includes both qualitative and quantitative research methods in the pedagogy and assessment of engineering design and prototyping and coverage of key research findings. The theory will be applied to the students’ graduate research or capstone projects. |
WF 3-4:30; 310; Jacobs Hall |
ME292C: Human-Centered Design Methods (syllabus). This course provides hands-on and real world experience in the development of innovative and realistic customer-driven engineered products, services or systems. Design methods and tools are introduced, and the student’s design ability is developed in a capstone design project or equivalent. The course is organized around the following modules: design research, analysis & synthesis, concept generation & creativity, prototyping, communication & visualization. Students will be expected to use tools and methods of professional practice and use these tools to consider the social, economic and environmental implications of their products, services or systems. There is an emphasis on hands-on innovative thinking, teamwork, and effective communication. |
M 5-6; 534 Davis Hall | CEE 292A: Technologies for Sustainable Societies, 2015 5-6 pm M, 534 Davis. Exploration of selected important technologies that serve major societal needs, such as shelter, water, food, energy, and transportation, and waste management. How specific technologies or technological systems do or do not contribute to a move toward sustainability. This is a required course for the Engineering and Business for Sustainability certificate. |
BEST Lab; 230 Hesse Hall | ME298-1: Research Seminar, offered every semester, Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Product Design |
Courses Taught in Fall 2016
W 12:30-2; F 1-2:30; 220 Jacobs Hall
Canceled, to be taught in another semester |
ME209/ED290C: Engineering Design and Prototyping: Pedagogy & Assessment. This graduate course explores contemporary research in engineering design and prototyping, as well as related cognitive issues in engineering curricular development, pedagogy, and assessment. One recurring theme throughout the course will be the duality between learning and design: design-based research, design as a pedagogy for integrative learning and the role of cognition and the learning sciences in the practice of engineering design. It has been motivated by several reforms: (1) National efforts to better train and educate engineers for the engineering workplace in the 21st Century: to better prepare engineers to face multidisciplinary problems and product design in competitive industries and improve their skills in teamwork and communication. (2) Efforts to improve how engineers build robust problem-solving, design and prototyping skills. (3) Advances in accessible prototyping technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutters and the popularity of the Maker movement. (4) Diversity Issues of ethnicity and gender in the engineering programs and practice. This course includes both qualitative and quantitative research methods in the pedagogy and assessment of engineering design and prototyping and coverage of key research findings. The theory will be applied to the students’ graduate research or capstone projects. |
WF 3-4:30; 310; Jacobs Hall |
ME292C: Human-Centered Design Methods (syllabus). This course provides hands-on and real world experience in the development of innovative and realistic customer-driven engineered products, services or systems. Design methods and tools are introduced, and the student’s design ability is developed in a capstone design project or equivalent. The course is organized around the following modules: design research, analysis & synthesis, concept generation & creativity, prototyping, communication & visualization. Students will be expected to use tools and methods of professional practice and use these tools to consider the social, economic and environmental implications of their products, services or systems. There is an emphasis on hands-on innovative thinking, teamwork, and effective communication. |
M 5-6; 534 Davis Hall | CEE 292A: Technologies for Sustainable Societies, 2015 5-6 pm M, 534 Davis. Exploration of selected important technologies that serve major societal needs, such as shelter, water, food, energy, and transportation, and waste management. How specific technologies or technological systems do or do not contribute to a move toward sustainability. This is a required course for the Engineering and Business for Sustainability certificate. |
BEST Lab; 230 Hesse Hall | ME298-1: Research Seminar, offered every semester, Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Product Design |
Courses Taught in Spring 2016
- ME110 Introduction to New Product Development: T Th 11:00 am – 12:30 PM; F noon-1:00 pm, 310 Jacobs Hall (cross-listed as UGBA 190T-2)
- DevEng 210: Design for Impact – Theory and Practice of Development Engineering, W noon-2:00 pm, 210 Jacobs Hall
- Eng 296MB-1: Fung Capstone – Repair Score Card, F 2-3:00 pm, BID 354/360 HMMB
- Eng 296MB-1: Fung Capstone – Oscillating Wind Turbines, T 2:30-3:300 pm, BID 354/360 HMMB
- Eng 296MB-1: Fung Capstone – Internet of Things Wearables (Samsung), W 2-3:00 pm, 4th Floor Seminar Room, Sutardja Dai Hall
- Eng 296MB-1: Fung Capstone – NASA Spherical Tensegrity Robots: Simulation and Controls, F 1-2:00 pm, 230 Hesse Hall
- Eng 296MB-1: Fung Capstone – NASA Spherical Tensegrity Robots: Mechatronics Design, F 1-2:00 pm, 230 Hesse Hall
- ME298-1: Research Seminar, offered every semester, Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Product Design
Other Courses Taught in Previous Semesters
- Dev Eng C200, ME C200: Design, Evaluate and Scale Development Technologies, 11-12:30 MW M (110 Cheit) and W (I-Lab), Haas School of Business; Workshop noon-1 pm I-Lab, Syllabus (pdf) and Practitioner Workshop Schedule (public welcome). This required course for the Designated Emphasis in Development Engineering and a core course for the Product Design MEng Concentration will include projects and case studies, many related to projects at UC Berkeley, such as those associated with the Development Impact Lab (DIL). Student teams will work with preliminary data to define the problem. They will then collect and analyze interview and survey data from potential users and begin to design a solution. Students will explore how to use novel monitoring technologies and rapid feedback for product improvement and evaluation. The student teams will use the case studies or their own projects to develop a plan for scaling and evaluation with a rigorous controlled trial. The primary goal is to provide students with a set of skills that will allow them to flourish in a climate of complex problem solving and design challenges in development engineering. Students will learn to participate in and lead innovation and creativity in collaborative settings. Students will learn how to learn from users using qualitative and quantitative tools including surveys, interviews, new monitoring technologies, statistical analyses and experimental designs. Students will be able to apply these skills to current challenges in development engineering. This is an elective design course for the Engineering and Business for Sustainability certificate.
- Managing the New Product Development Process: Design Theory and Methodology, ME290P (cross-listed as BA290N with Haas School of Business), T Th 11-12:30, T (I-Lab) and Cal Design Lab (Th). Fall 2015: Syllabus and Schedule (also taught Fall 1995-2004, 2006-2011, 2013). This course is operationally focused and aims to develop the interdisciplinary skills required for successful product development in today’s competitive marketplace — both in established enterprises and entrepreneurial start-ups. Engineering, iSchool, Business, Industrial Design, etc. students join forces on small product development teams to step through the new product development process in detail, learning about the available tools and techniques to execute each process step along the way. Each student brings his or her own disciplinary perspective to the team effort, and must learn to synthesize that perspective with those of the other students in the group to develop a sound, marketable product. Students can expect to depart the semester understanding new product development processes as well as useful tools, techniques and organizational structures that support new product development practice. Although the course focuses on the application of these principles to new product development, they are more broadly applicable to innovation in general – of products, services, organizations, business strategies and governmental policies. This is an elective design course for the Engineering and Business for Sustainability certificate.
- Innovation Through Design Thinking: Designed for professionally-oriented graduate students, this course explores key concepts in design innovation based on human-centered design or “design thinking” approaches. Topics cover include human-centered design research, analysis of research to develop design principles, creativity techniques, user needs framing and strategic business modeling. This course will introduce students to the tools and practices of innovation, deep customer insight, and design thinking in real world applications.
- ME290H: Green Product Development: Design for Sustainability, Fall 2007, Spring 2011; The focus of the course is management of innovation processes for sustainable products, from product definition to sustainable manufacturing and financial models.
- E39F Freshman/Sophomore Seminar: Community Assessment of Renewable Energy and Sustainability (CARES)
- Ed290C02 – Cognition and Development: Educational Issues in Engineering Design and Problem Solving, Spring 1997, Spring 2010 syllabus
- KAUST ME220 – Theory and Methods in Product Design, Spring 2010. Distance learning course with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
- E198-4 (CCN:27951)/E298A-18 (CCN: 27948) Research Seminar, Spring 2006 (noon-1:00 pm, Friday, 691 Barrrows Hall, Seminar Room for the Center for Race and Gender)
Berkeley’s Research in Diversity and Inclusion: A Multi-disciplinary Survey . The Berkeley Diversity Research Initiative (BDRI) focuses on racial and ethnic diversity, supporting research into the nature of multi-cultural societies and the ways in which such societies – at the local, state, national, and international levels – might flourish. One major goal is to generate a more nuanced understanding of similarities and differences among multi-cultural societies and an identification of factors that contribute to their success . Another goal is to generate specific prescriptions for changes in policy and practice that are likely to draw upon the strengths and assets of a diverse community and reduce ethnic/racial disparities that are of concern to the State of California and the nation. Theme areas to be included in this research seminar include: K-12 Education, Access & Achievement: Health Disparities; Admissions, Mentoring and Achievement in Higher Education; Faculty Diversity; Civic Participation and Political Access; Global Cities: Diversity and Demographic Change; Race, Gender and Immigration in California; and Media, Art and Culture. The seminar will benefit from an external BDRI speaker series which will draw in top researchers nation-wide. The seminar will be team-taught by faculty with expertise in each of these theme areas. - E10: Introduction to Design and Analysis, Syllabus_2009; Mechanical Engineering Module: Human-Centered Sustainable Product Design (module website).
- Engineering 39D/ Women’s Studies 39E: Designing Technology for Girls and Women, Spring 2003
Designing Technology for Girls and Women - ME290M, Spring 1995, Spring 1999, Fall 2003
Expert Systems in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering - ME 39C and ME 139C, Spring 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999
Multidisciplinary Multimedia in Engineering Design - E198-2, Spring 1998
Service Learning in K-12 Math, Science and Engineering Education:
This course explores contemporary research and practice in K-12 math, science and engineering education. The focus will be on integrating theory with hands-on activities. Applications will be built around the Interactive MESA (Mathematics * Engineering * Science * Achievement) design competitions. Every year UC Berkeley MESA hosts a series of K-12 student competitions in Math, Science and Engineering. The preliminary competitions for schools we service are held on the UC Berkeley campus and the northern California MESA Centers rotate responsibility for hosting the final competitions every year. The Interactive MESA project is designed to engage more of the UC Berkeley community in this important K-12 outreach activity. In this course we will develop a World Wide Web site for the MESA competitions, containing the MESA competition rules, related curricular material and examples of past designs along with a threaded discourse tool, called SpeakEasy, developed in collaboration with the School of Education. - E24, Spring 1997
CyberCafe: Lunch with Women Engineers in Cyberspace:Join us for coffee and lunch with women engineers from academe and industry across the country. We will explore WWW (World Wide Web) sites that feature women engineers and use multimedia and Internet to talk with women engineers in Cyberspace. Computer projection will be used to make this a synchronous group experience. There will be opportunities for dialog through desktop video conferencing, speaker phone and internet chat sessions. The WWW and html authoring will be the primary medium for communication and presentation.
Design Thinking Resources at UC Berkeley
Design Thinking Courses and Related Papers: Professor Alice Agogino’s Portfolio of teaching innovation through design thinking and doing at UC Berkeley. | |
Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation: The Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation is Berkeley’s interdisciplinary hub for students, teachers and practitioners who love working at the intersection of design and technology. We empower you with a place to explore, a place to connect and a place to learn the way you learn best – by doing. | |
Berkeley Institute of Design (BiD): The Berkeley Institute of Design (BiD) is a research group that fosters a deeply interdisciplinary approach to design for the 21st century, spanning human-computer interaction, mechanical design, education, architecture and art practice. | |
Human-Centered Design Threads: Design is pervasive in our lives, as we spend most of our time interacting with human-made tools, objects, services, and information spaces. All these interactions are mediated through design, through structures and processes which are meant to optimize our relations with our environment. Design then is not only about form, but also about function, purpose and meaning. Many design questions start with an object or a practice, but lead to fundamental questions of economics, justice, and philosophy. The Course Thread in Human-Centered Design connects a rich offering of courses to the core question of design: Who does what with which tools? This question can be answered in a historical or visionary context, but also in a theoretical and a practical context. Hence our course thread connects business courses with engineering courses, and reading-intensive courses with practice-driven courses. |