Engineering design is a complex technical pursuit mediated by social process such as communication, negotiation, and shared agreements. Given the complex orchestration of craft, human cognition, and social dynamics, a wide range of perspectives, including technical problem-soving, social networks, and theory/philosophy, is important for studying designing. The overall goal of the project is to understand and improve engineering design process by studying both the cognition of an individual designer and the group dynamics.
Current projects:
Dazzle – Building collaborative tools for contributing individual information to a team’s shared frame
The Design Exchange – A site for the design research community of practice, for sharing and analyzing design research methods and stories
Design Metaphors – Studying the use computational metaphor tools for enhancing framing and creativity in Designers
Communicating Empathy – Understanding how to communicate design research in a way that conveys empathy for end users
Past Projects:
Time Variation of Design “Story Telling” in Engineering Design Teams
Creativity in New Product Development Teams: Metrics and Methodology for automated Assessment
Sample Publications:
Roschuni, Celeste, Alice Agogino, and Sara Beckman. “The Design Exchange: Supporting the design community of practice.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, Copenhagen, Denmark: ICED11, 15-19 August 2011.
Oehlberg, Lora, Celeste Roschuni and Alice Agogino. “A descriptive study of designers’ tools for capturing, reflecting on, and sharing user needs and conceptual designs”, in ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Washington, DC: IDETC/CIE 2011, August 28-30, 2011.
Roschuni, Celeste, and Alice Agogino. “Communicating Design Research: Framing Techniques”, Poster for the Mudd Design Workshop VIII: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 26-28 May 2011.
Roschuni, Celeste, Lora Oehlberg, Alice Agogino, and Sara Beckman. “Relationship Conflict and Feeling Communications in Design Teams.” Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. San Diego, CA: IDETC/CIE 2009, August 30 – September 2, 2009. DETC2009-87626
Song, Shuang, Andy Dong, Alice Agogino, “Time Variation of Design “Story Telling” in Engineering Design Teams,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 03 Stockholm, Sweden, 19-21 August 2003
Hill, Andrew, Andy Dong, Alice Agogino, “Towards Computational Tools for Supporting the Reflective Team,” Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Design Conference, AID 2002.
Hill, Andrew, Shuang Song, Andy Dong, Alice Agogino, “Identifying Shared Understanding in Design using Documents Analysis,” Proceedings of the ASME Design Theory and Methods Conference 2001, ASME CD ROM DETC2001/DTM-21713.