The Synthesis Coalition was a union of eight diverse institutions funded by the National Science Foundation to design, implement and assess new approaches to undergraduate engineering education that emphasize multidisciplinary synthesis, teamwork and communication, hands-on and laboratory experiences, open-ended problem formulation and solving, and examples of “best practices” from industry. Together, these institutions contributed a broad geographical diversity, a history of collaboration in education, a balance of sizes, missions, and institutional types, and a shared commitment to restructuring engineering education. Synthsis interdisciplinary projects include: artifact/ mechanical dissection; * computer-integrated architecture, engineering and construction; * mechatronics; * multimedia case studies of engineering design; * spatial reasoning and learning styles.
Synthesis was a pioneer in devloping multimedia courseware and evaluating the effective use of educational technology. Synthesis developed the NEEDS – National Engineering Education Digital-Library System to facilitate discovery and sharing of engineering courseware. NEEDS sponsors the the PREMIER AWARD for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware to recognize high-quality, non-commercial courseware designed to enhance engineering education. NEEDS joined forces with TeachEngineering (a K-12 digital library) to launch the K-Gray Engineering Pathway as the Engineering wing of the National Science Digital Library, funded by NSF.
Synthesis Publications
NTU Broadcasts
- Sheppard, Sheri D., NTU Faculty Forum on Oct. 19, 1993 titled “Teaching Students Hands-On Engineering.” (120W46 schools tuned in with over 3,078 faculty viewers.)
- Wujek, Joseph H., NTU Faculty Forum on Jan. 18, 1994, “First- Year Students Emulating Industry: Berkeley’s Engineering Design Studio.” (109 schools tuned in with 1,822 faculty viewers).
- Wayno, Frank J., NTU Faculty Forum on March 15, 1994, “When Engineering Skills Are Not Enough: Teams, Concurrent Engineering & Time-based Competition.” (190 schools tuned in with 3,089 faculty viewers.)
- Agogino, Alice M. and Brandon Muramatsu, NTU Faculty Forum on Oct. 10, 1995 titled “NEEDS – The National Engineering Education Delivery System.” (135 schools tuned in with 1,168 viewers.)
- Leifer, Larry (and others on Panel), NTU Faculty Forum on Nov. 14, 1995 titled “Innovative Assessment Opportunities.” (147 sites with 1,162 viewers.)
- Sheppard, Sheri D. (and others on Panel), NTU broadcast series on “What is engineering Design?” with title “Discover Engineering! Welcome to the Real World,” Chicago, IL, February, 21, 1996. (448 sites tuned in with 357,906 viewers.)
- Eibeck, Pamela, Brandon Muramatsu and Martin Ramirez, NTU Faculty Forum on Sept. 10, 1996 titled “Quality Review of Engineering Education Courseware.” (146 sites with 966 faculty viewers.)
- Sheppard, Sheri D. and Kris Wood, NTU broadcast on “Discover Engineering: Engineers Make a World of Difference,” Feb. 17, 1997.(451 sites tuned in with 357,954 viewers.)
Theses and Dissertations
- Alam, Mohamed, “In situ Object Tracing in a Plane Motion,” Master of Science Thesis, Tuskegee University, May 1996.
- Barrance, Peter, “The Use of Multimedia in Engineering Education,” Master of Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 1992.
- Carlstrom, Charles M., “Development, Testing, and Assessment of the Cyclone Grinder Multimedia Case Study, Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1994.
- Clark, Barton, MS in progress, University of California at Berkeley.
- Dahlgren, J., “The Development and Use of Case Studies for Construction Engineering Education,” Master of Science Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1993.
- Dattata, Pranjali, “User Study for a Networked Multimedia Database of Courseware,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1994.
- Dutta, Tina, “Geographically-Independent Learning: Built & Designed for ME290P,” MS Plan II, 1998/99.
- Evans, Jay, “Multimedia Case Studies for Teaching Best Design Practices,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1993.
- Fynn, Michael, “Computer-Based X-Y Micropositioning Device,” Master of Science Thesis, Tuskegee University, May 1995.
- Gill, Sunny, “The Best Practices Document: Recommendations for Using Instructional Technology for Delivery of Courseware,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1995.
- Hassan, Marwan, “Bench Top Microprocessor-Based Testing Device,” Master of Science Thesis, Tuskegee University, July 1995.
- Hernandez, “The Identification of Successful Strategies for Spatial Reasoning,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1993.
- Jing, Youhao, “MESANet: Facilitating MESA Design with Internet and a WWW-based Learning Environment,” MS Plan II, 1998/99.
- Johnson, Jerry, “Candy-tronics, a Microprocessor Based Vending Machine,” Master of Science Thesis, Tuskegee University, Dec., 1996. Jerry Johnson also served as a tutor in the mechanical dissection course at Tuskegee University. (Note Jerry Johnson took the mechatronics course as an undergraduate at Tuskegee. He liked it so much he stayed to get a masters degree in this area with a GEMS fellowship.)
- Lemkin, Mark, “A Computer Controlled Train Set as an Educational Tool,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1993.
- Muramatsu, Brandon, “The Design, Development, and Assessment of the Vibrating Beam Experiment Multimedia Instructional Courseware,” Master of Science Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, May 1995.
- Osborn, James, “Development of Display Object: An Interactive Educational Spatial Reasoning Tool,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1993.
- Reamon, Derek, “Electro-Mechanical Systems”, MS Report, Stanford University, January 1995.
- Richkuss, Rebecca, “Web Implementation and Enhancement of the Virtual Disk Drive Design Studio,” MS Plan II, 1998/99.
- Srinivasan, Nagaraj, “Multimedia Case Studies in Engineering: Development and Assessmet of the Disk Drive Case Study,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1994.
- Stannard, Robert, “People, Products and Process: Interactive Multimedia Case Study in Integrated Design, Manufacturing Strategy and New Product Development,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1996.
- Wen, Ya, “People, Products and Strategies: The Design and Development of a Web-based Multimedia Case Study,” MS Plan II, 1997/98.
- Yaghi, Husam, “Multi-layer 3-Phase Reservoir Simulation Using IMPES Finite Elements with Parallel Implementation”, Southern and Lousiana State Universities, December 1996.
- Yang, Pai-Hsueh, “Balance Beam: An Educational Tool for Mechatronic and Control,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley.
- Yilma, Benjamin, “Implementation of Behavior Based Artificial Intelligence in Miniature Mobile Robots,” Master of Science Thesis, Tuskegee University, Dec., 1996
- Yu, David, “The Virtual Disk Drive Design Studio,” Master of Science Report, MS Plan II, University of California at Berkeley, Dec. 1996.
- Zook, Ian, “Using Multimedia Case Studies in Engineering: Knowledge Acquisition During Case Study Development,” Master of Science Report, University of California at Berkeley, May 1993.
- Brereton, Margot, “The Role of Hardware in Learning Engineering Fundamentals during Design and Dissection Projects,” PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, October, 1996.
- Dong, Andy, “The Management of Design Information: A Decision-Analytic Approach,” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1997.
- Hsi, Sherry, “Facilitating Knowledge Integration in Science through Electronic Discussion: the Multimedia Forum Kiosk”,” Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1997.
- Jana, Amitava, “Real Time Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems using Neuro-Fuzzy Controllers,” New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1995. Dave Auslander from UC Berkeley was a Reader on Dr. Jana’s dissertation. The project involved was a Synthesis mechatronics experiment. Dr. Jana was and continues to be on the faculty at Southern University.
- Jeremijenko, Natalie, in progress, Stanford University.
- McKenna, Ann, in progress, University of California at Berkeley.
- Mabogune, Ade, “Measuring the Mechanical Engineering Team Design Process,” PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, December, 1996.
- Reamon, Derek, in progress, Stanford University.
- Van Duzer, Eric, in progress, University of California at Berkeley.
- Varma, Anil, “Intelligent Distributed Design Systems: A Machine-Learning Approach”,” 1997/98.
- Wood III, William H., “Supplying Concurrent Engineering Information to the Designer: The Conceptual Design Information Server,” PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, May 1995, December, 1996.
- Yaghi, Husam, “Petroleum Reservoir Simulation Using a 3-D FlINITE Element Method With Parallel Implementation”,in progress. (Faculty member from Southern University).
Book Contributions
- Auslander, D.M., Kempf, C.J., Mechatronics: Mechanical System Interfacing, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996, 242 pages.
- Auslander, D.M., J.R. Ridgely, J.C. Jones, “Real-Time Software for Implementation of Feedback Control,” chapter in: The Control Handbook, edited by William S. Levine, CRC Press and IEEE Press, pp 323-344, 1996.
- Bolluyt, J., Stewart, M., and Oladipupo, A. (1993). Modeling for Design Using SilverScreen. PWS Kent Publishing Company.
- Eide, A., Jenison, R., Mashaw, L., Northup, L. “Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving”. Third edition. McGraw-Hill. 1997.
- Genalo, Lawrence J., Exercises and examples contributed to FORTRAN 77 for Engineers and Scientists, 4th Edition, Nyhoff and Leestma, McMillan, 1994.
- Hoadley, C.M., Mann, L.M., Linn, M.C., & Clancy, M.J., “When, why and how do novice programmers reuse code?”, in W. Gray & D. Boehm-Davis (Eds.), Empirical Studies of Programmers, Sixth Workshop (pp. 109-130), Norwood, NJ, Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1996.
- Hsi, S., Linn, M.C., & Bell, J.E., “The role of spatial reasoning in engineering and the design of spatial instruction,” Journal of Engineering Education, 86 (2), 151-158, 1997.
- Jana, A., and Auslander, D. M. (in press). “Workcell Programming Environment for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.” In Design and Implementation of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. Prentice Hall.
- Katz, R. H., Contemporary Logic Design. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, Inc., 1994.
- Lettieri, R., BMUG’s Quicker QuickTime.
- Linn, M. C., “The impact of technology on science instruction: Historical trends and current opportunities,” in K. G. Tobin & B. J. Fraser (Ed.), International Handbook of Science Education (pp. 265-294) (Vol. 1), The Netherlands: Kluwer, 1998.
- Nahvi, M. J., “Teaching the Introductory Course in Circuit Theory: New Tools and Context,” Symposium on Circuits, Systems, and Information, May 26-27, 1990, UCLA. In Circuits, Systems, and Information: A Tribute to Professor Fazlollah Reza (1991), (Eds., Jamshidi, Ahmadi, and Nahvi). Albuquerque, New Mexico: TDI Press, 1990.
- Schwarz, S.E. and Oldham, W.G., Electrical Engineering, An Introduction, 2nd Edition. Saunders College Publishing Co., 1993.
- Stern, Judith L. & Lettieri, Robert A., QuickTime: The Official Guide for Macintosh Users, Hayden Books, 1994.
- Stewart, M., Bolluyt, J., and Oladipupo, A., Modeling for Design Using AutoCAD, AutoSurf AME. PWS Publishing Company, 1996.
- Sullivan, Edward C., “Using Multimedia Teaching Materials in Civil Engineering Education”. In Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (Pahl, P.J., and H. Werner, eds.). A.A. Balkema Press, Rotterdam, 1995.
Journal Publications
- Agogino, A.M. and B. Muramatsu, “The National Engineering Delivery System (NEEDS): A Multimedia Digital Library of Courseware.” International Journal on Engineering Education, Vol. 13 No. 5, 1997, pp. 333-340.
- Aglan, H. and S. Ali, “Hands-On Experiences: An Integral Part of Engineering Curriculum Reform”, Journal of Engineering Education, October 1996.
- Auslander, D.M. “Operator Interface Development for Control Software.” IEEE Control Systems, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp 66-72. August, 1994.
- Auslander, D. M., A-C Huang, Lemkin, M.,”A Design and Implementation Methodology for Real Time Control of Mechanical Systems,” Mechatronics, Pergamon, 5, No. 7, 1995, pp 811-832.
- Auslander, D.M., “What is Mechatronics?”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1996.
- Carryer, J.E. “The Design of Laboratory Experiments and Projects for Mechatronics Courses,” Mechatronics Vol. 5 No. 7, October 1995, pp787-797
- Clancy, M. J. and M. C. Linn, “Patterns and pedagogy,.” SIGCSE Bulletin: 13th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1999
- Dong, A. and A. M. Agogino, “Text Analysis for Constructing Design Representations,” Artificial Intelligence in Design ’96, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 21-38, 1996. (Winner 1996 “Best Paper” award; AI in Engineering, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 65-75, 1997.)
- Dong, A. and Agogino, A. M., “Managing Design Information in Enterprise-Wide CAD using ‘Smart Drawings’,” CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Journal, special issue on network-centric CAD, 30(6) (1998) 425-435.
- Eibeck, P.A., “ Criteria for Peer-Review of Engineering Courseware on the NEEDS Database“, IEEE Transactions on Education, Special Issue on the Application of Information Technologies to Engineering and Science Education, Volume 39, Number 3, August, 1996.
- Gay, G. and Lentini, M., “Use of Communication Resources in a Networked Collaborative Design Environment.” [HTML Document]. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1(1). Los Angeles: Annenberg School for Communication (Distributor), 1995.
- Gay G., Mazur, J. and Lentini, M., “The use of hypermedia data to enhance design.” Computer Graphics, 28(1), 34-37, 1994.
- Gay, G., and Grosz-Ngate, M., “Collaborative design in a networked multimedia environment: Emerging communication patterns.” Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 26(3), 418-432, 1994.
- Gay, G., and Mazur, J., “The utility of computer tracking tools for user-centered design.” Educational Technology, 34(3), 45-59, 1993.
- Gay, G., Mazur, F. E., & Masiclat, S., “User-controlled design and collaboration.” Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 1(2), 141-145, 1993.
- Gay, G., and Mazur, J., “The utility of computer tracking tools for user-centered design.” Educational Technology, 34(3), 45-59, 1993.
- Gay, G., and Thomas, R. “Collaborative design in a networked multimedia environment.” EDUCOM Review, 27(1), 31-33. (1992).
- Genalo, Lawrence J., Roche, E., and Slater, C.S, Editors, Special Issue on Laboratory Innovations, The International Journal of Engineering Education, Spring, 1996.
- Genalo, L.J. and Wilson, D.G., “Multimedia Engineering Courseware,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 12, pp. 428-432, 1996.
- Harris, James G., DeLoatch, Eugene M., Grogan, William, Peden, Irene C., and Whinnery, John R., “Journal of Engineering Education Round Table: Reflections on the Grinter Report.” Journal of Engineering Education; Vol. 83, No. 1, January, 1994.
- Hsi, S., Hoadley, C. M., and Linn, M. C., “Lessons for the future of electronic collaboration from the Multimedia Forum Kiosk.” Speculations in Science and Technology, special issue on education, 18(4), 265-277, 1994.
- Hsi, Sherry, Marcia C. Linn and John E. Bell, “The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Engineering and the Design of Spatial Instruction,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 151-158, April 1997.
- Hsi, S. and Agogino, A.M., “The Impact and Instructional Benefit of Using Multimedia Case Studies to Teach Engineering Design,” Journal of Educational Hypermedia and Multimedia, Vol. 3, No. 3/4, pp. 351-376, 1994.
- Jenison, R. “New Directions for Introductory Graphics in Engineering Education”. Accepted forpublication in the charter edition of the Journal for Geometry and Graphics, Vol 1, No. 1, 1997.
- Kheir, N.A., Astrom, K.J., Auslander, D.M., Cheok, K.C., Franklin, G.F., Masten, M., Rabins, M., “Control System Engineering Education,” Automatica, 32, No. 2, Elsevier Science, Ltd., 1996, pp 147-166.
- Lemkin, M.,P-H Yang, Auslander, D.M., “Using a Hydraulically Balanced Beam as a Case Study in Control Implementation for Control Education,” American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, June, 1995; Also, ASME J. Dynamics Systems Measurement and Control, in press.
- Lieu, D.K. and Talbot, N.H., “Introduction of Graphical Finite-Element Stress Analysis in an Undergraduate Curriculum,” presented at the 1993 ASEE Disihn Graphics Division Midyear Conference, San Francisco, CA. ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 33-39, 1993.
- Linn, M.C., “Designing Computer Learning Environments for Engineering and Computer Science: The Scaffolded Knowldge Integration Framework”, Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 103-126, 1995.
- Lorimer, W.L. and Lieu, D.K., “Hardware, Software, and Curriculum Decisions for Engineering Graphics Instruction Using CAD,” presented at the 1990 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 1990. ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, Winter 1992.
- McKenna, Ann and Alice M. Agogino, “Engineering for Middle School: A Web-based Module for Learning and Designing with Simple Machines,” Journal of Engineering Education, Oct. 1998, pp. 437-444.
- McMartin, Flora, Eric Van Duzer, and Alice M. Agogino, “Bridging Diverse Institutions, Multiple Engineering Departments, and Industry: A Case Study in Developing an Assessment Plan for the Synthesis Coalition,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 87, No. 2, April 1998, pp. 157-163.
- Mirshams, R., Li, Z., Mohamadian, H. “High-temperature tensile properties and fracture characteristics in a monolithic gamma TiAl alloy and a TiB2 particle-reinforced TiAl alloy”, Journal of Materials Science Letters 16, pp. 715-718, 1997.
- Nahvi, M.J. “An Expert System Approach to Determination of Tropospheric Error in Microwave Ranging,” paper IAF-86-251. Presented to the 37th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Innsbruck, Austria, October 4-11, 1986. Also in Acta Astronautica, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 359-366.
- Regan, M., S.D. Sheppard, “Interactive Multimedia Courseware and Hands-on Learning Experience: An Assessment Study,” in press for ASEE Journal of Engineering Educuation.
- Sagues, P., Auslander, D.M., “The Software Crisis,” Motion Control, May/June 1996.
- Sansalone, M., and Beebe, P. “Engineering 600: Teaching Engineers.” ASEE Journal of Engineering Education. (1991, August).
- Sheppard, S., R. Jenison, A.M. Agogino, et. al, “Examples of Freshman Design Education.” accepted for publication in the ASEE Journal on Engineering Education.
- Sheppard, S.D., R. Jenison, R., “Freshmen Engineering Design Experiences: an Organizational Framework,” accepted for the International Journal of Engineering Education.
- Sheppard, S.D., R. Jenison, A. Agogino, M. Brereton, L. Bucciarelli, J. Dally, J. Demel, C. Dym, D. Evans, R. Faste, M. Henderson, P. Minderman, J. Mitchell, A. Oladipupo, M. Piket-May, R. Quinn, T. Regan and J. Wujek, “Examples of Freshman Design Education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 13, no. 4. pp. 248-261, 1997.
- Sheppard, S.D., Leifer, L., Carryer, J.E., “Commentary on Student Interviews,” Innovative Higher Education, Volume 20, Number 4, pp. 271-276, Summer, 1996.
- Wood, W. H. and Agogino, A.M., “A Case-based Conceptual Design Information Server for Concurrent Engineering.” CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Journal, Elsevier Science Ltd, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 361-369, 1996.
- Wood, W.H. and Agogino, A. M., “Engineering Courseware Content and Delivery: The NEEDS Infrastructure for Distance-Independent Education,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 11, pp. 863-869, 1996.
Conference Proceedings
- Abel, J., Daniels, P., Harris, J., and Hedges, H., “NSF Sponsored Innovation in Engineering and Computer Science.” Proceedings Frontiers in Education: 22nd Annual Conference. Nashville, TN, November 11-14, 1992. IEEE catalog no. 92CH3210-2.
- Agogino, A.M.,”Improving Retention through Curricular Reform.” Proceedings of the Engineering Education: Curriculum Innovation and Integration (Eds., W. Aung and S. Carmi). Engineering Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA, January 5-10, 1992, pp. 27-32.
- Agogino, A.M., S. Sheppard, J. Harris, L. Genalo, K. Mink, J. Krishnagopalan, L. Genalo, D. Martin, and J. Saylor. “National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS)”. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education `93 Conference, IEEE and ASEE (Ed. Lawrence P. Grayson), pp. 592-597, Nov., 1993.
- Agogino, A.M., Sheppard, S.D., and Oladipupo, A., “Making Connections to Engineering During the First Two Years.” IEEE Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference. Nashville, TN, November 13, 1992.
- Agogino, A.M. and W. H. Wood III, “The Synthesis Coalition: Information Technologies Enabling a Paradigm Shift in Engineering Education,” keynote talk,in Hyper-Media in Vaasa’94. Proceedings of the Conference on Computers and Hypermedia in Engineering Education (Ed., M. Linna and P.Ruotsala, Vaasa Institute of Technology), pp. 3-10, 1994.
- Agogino, A.M., Muramatsu, B., The Synthesis Coalition: The National Enginering Education Delivery System (NEEDS): A Multimedia Digital Library of Coursware,” Proceedings of 1996 American Society of Engineering Education International Conference, June 22, 1996.
- Agogino, A.M., Muramatsu, B., Eibeck, P.A., Ramirez, M.R., Oladipupo, B., “Sharing Courseware Resources Through the NEEDS (National Engineering Education Delivery System) Database,” Procceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Engineering Education, November 1-4, 1995, Atlanta, GA.
- Agogino, A.M. and B. Muramatsu, The National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS): A Multimedia Digital Library of Courseware,” Proceedings of the 1996 ASEE International Conference on Engineering Education and Practice, ASEE CD ROM, 1996.
- Agogino, A.M. and M. McMartin, and B. Muramatsu, “Innovative Uses of Engineering Courseware Available through NEEDS-The National Engineering Education Delivery System”. To be published in the Proceedings of FIE’99.
- Akamatsu, J., G. Itiro e Sena, and A.M. Agogino, “Collaborative Research in Engineering Education: Synthesis Coalition Study Case,” COBENGE 99 – XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de Engenharia (City: Natal; State: Rio Grande do Norte; Sep. 12 – 15, 1999).
- Akamatsu, J., R.M. Itiro e Bittencourt, A.M. Agogino, and B. Muramatsu, “Cooperative Learning: Multimedia Case Studies of Engineering Design,” COBENGE 99 – XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de Engenharia (City: Natal; State: Rio Grande do Norte; Sep. 12 – 15, 1999).
- Auslander, D.M., G. Hanidu, A. Jana, K. Jothimurugesan, M.A. Seif, and Y. C.Yang, “Mechatronics Curriculum in the Synthesis Coalition,” Proceedings of the International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, Baltimore, Sep. 28-30, 1992.
- Auslander, D.M., Hanidu, G., Jana, A., Jothmurugesan, Seif, M.A., and Yang, Y.C., “Tools for Teaching Mechatronics.” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 1993.
- Auslander, D. M., Pawlowski, C., Ridgely, J., “Reconciling Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) with Mechatronics Control Software,” IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Detroit, MI, September, 1996.
- Baudin, C., Underwood, J., and Baya, V., “Using Device Models to Facilitate the Retrieval of Multimedia Design Information.” Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. August 1993.
- Baya, V., Baudin, C., Mabogunje, A., Toye, G., and Leifer, L., “An Experimental Study of Design Information Reuse.” Proceedings of the ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methodology. Phoenix, AZ, August 13-16, 1992.
- Baya, V., Gevins, J., Baudin, C., Mabogunje, A., Toye, G., and Leifer, L. , “An Experimental Study of Design Information Reuse.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, ASME. Scottsdale, AZ, September 13-16, 1992, pp. 141-147.
- Black, Bruce, Demetry, James , Harris, James G., and Jones, James R., “Use of Technology for Undergraduate Engineering Education.” Proceedings ASEE Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 24-29, 1990.
- Bofah, K.K., Ali, F.S., Aviki, F. and Ray, P.K., “Freshman Engineering Design at Tuskegee,” Proceedings of the 1996 ABET Annual Meeting, San Diego.
- Bradley, Doug and Sidler, Rebecca., “Computer Animation as a Tool for Learning Engineering Design/Graphics Concepts.” Proceedings of the ASEE 1994 Annual Conference. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 1994.
- Brereton, M.F., Cupal, T., and Leifer, L.J., “Reconstructing Reality in Engineering Exercises: An Experience in Design, Manufacture and Use.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED’93). The Hague, The Netherlands, August 17th-19th, 1993.
- Brereton, M., Greeno, J., Leifer, L., Lewis, J., and Linde, C., “Innovative Assessment of Innovative Curricula: Video Interaction Analysis of Synalysis Exercises.” Proceedings of the ASEE Conference on Engineering Education. Champaign-Urbana, IL, June 20-23, 1993.
- Brereton, M.F. and Leifer, L.J.,”Synalysis Exercises; Integrating Problem Formulation, Analysis and Synthesis.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, ASME. Albuquerque, NM, September 19-22, 1993.
- Brereton, M.F., S.D. Sheppard, L.J. Leifer, “Students Connecting Engineering Fundamentals to Hardware Design: Observations and Implications for the Design of Curriculum and Assessment Methods,” in ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 4d3p1-8 Held: Atlanta, GA, Nov 1-5, 1995. IEEE catalog no. 95CH35867
- Brereton, M., Sheppard, S., Leifer, L., “How Students Connect Engineering Fundamentals to Hardware Design: Observations and Implications for the Design of Curriculum and Assessment Methods,” International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 1995, PRAHA, August 22-24, 1995.
- Carryer, J.E., “The Design of Laboratory Experiments and Projects for Mechatronics Courses,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Mechatronics Education, Stanford University, 1994.
- Cross, James, “The Design and Application of Power Amplifiers for Mechatronc Systems,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, (San Antonio, Texas), March 27-29, 1996.
- Cross, James, “Some Interesting Digital Signal Processing Projects With the TI TMS320C30 DSP”, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meetig, (Beaumont, Texas), Macrch 29-31, 1995.
- Cross, James, “Using Stream I/O for Message Recording and Playback with the TI TMS320C30 Banshee System”, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual TI TMS320 Educators Conference, (Dallas, Texas), October 21-22, 1994.
- Cross, James, “How the Synthesis: National Engineering Education Coalition is Reforming Engineering Education”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Technology and Education, (London, England), March 27-30, 1994.
- Cross, James, “Getting Started with Real-time Programming for Mechatronic Projects”. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, (Baton Rouge, LA), March 20-25, 1994.
- Cross, James, “Using the C Compiler for a Real-time DSP Laboratory with the ASPI Banshee System”, Proceedings of the Third Annual TI TMS320 Educators Conference, (Houston, Texas), August 4-6, 1993.
- Cross, James, “A DSP Laboratory Based on the ASPI Banshee System and the DFDP3/Plus Filter Design Package”, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual (National) Conference, (Champaign-Urbana), June 20- 23, 1993.
- De Gaudenzi, R. and Nahvi, M.J., “Computation of Intermodulation and Interference in Telecommand Due to the Ranging Signal of the ESA Multi-Purpose Tracking System; Lack of Degradation.” Proceedings of the IEEE 1989 National Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Denver, CO, May 1989, pp. 437-441.
- De Gaudenzi, R. and Nahvi, M.J., “Telecommand Bit Error Rate Degradation Due to the Ranging Signal of the ESA Multi-Purpose Tracking System.” Proceedings of the 1989 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Nagoya, Japan, September 1989.
- Eibeck, P.A., “Multimedia Courseware Support for Instruction of Engineering Experimentation.” Proceedings of Frontiers in Education 23rd Annual Conference (Ed., L.D. Grayson). Washington, D.C., Nov 6-9, 1993, pp. 135-139.
- Eibeck, P.A., “SYNTHESIS: An NSF Engineering Education Coalition,” invited paper. Proceedings of 1994 International Conference on Engineering Education. Taipei, May 25-27, 1994, pp. 49-56.
- Eibeck, P.A., “Establishing Criteria for Peer Reviewed Engineering Instructional Courseware”, session 3241: Electronics Publishing, ASEE 1995 Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 25-28, 1995.
- Eibeck, P.A., Muramatsu, B., Ramirez, M.R., “Importance of Quality in Engineering Courseware Development,” In Procceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Engineering Education, November 6-9, 1996, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Eide, A.R. and Thomas, R.J., “The Impact of Technology on Undergraduate Education.” Proceedings of the 1992 Frontiers in Education Conference. Nashville, TN, Nov. 11-14, 1992, pp. 625-627.
- Fruchter, R. “The Virtual Atelier,” CAE-Bridging the Generations Workshop, International Workshop on the Future Directions of Computer-Aided Engineering, ed. D.R. Rehak, CMU Pittsburgh, June 1994, pp 9-14
- Fruchter, R. and Krawinkler, H. “A/E/C Teamwork” Second ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering Congress, ed. J.P. Mohsen, Atlanta, 1995, pp 441-448.
- Fruchter, R. “Computer Integrated A/E/C: Project-Based Learning Methodology and Environment for Collaborative Building Design”, Proceedings of the World Conference on Engineering Education, Oct. 15-20, 1995, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. 335-339.
- Fruchter, R., “Multi-Site Cross-Disciplinary A/E/C Project Based Learning”, Proceedings of the 3rd Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, ed. J. Vanegas and P. Chinowsky, Anaheim, CA, June 17-19, 1996, 126-132, ASCE Publ. New York
- Fruchter, R., “Computer Integrated Architecture/Engineering/Construction Project-Centered Learning Environment”, Proceedings of the ACADIA Conference, Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 31-Nov 3, 1996.
- Fruchter, R. “Information Technology Augmented Distance Learning,” Proceedings of the Fourth ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering Congress, ed. T.M. Adams, Philadelphia, 1997, 73-80.
- Fruchter, R. and Krawinkler, H. “A/E/C Teamwork” Second ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering Congress, ed. J.P. Mohsen, Atlanta, 1995, pp 441-448.
- Gay, G., “Tracking tools for self-reflection and user-centered design.” In the Proceedings of the Culture, Interpretation and Multimedia 1993 Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, March, 1993.
- Gay, G. and Mazur, J., “Using multiple representations of ethnographic data to integrate interdisciplinary research perspectives.” In the Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics, Ithaca, NY, August, 1993.
- Genalo, L. J. “New Technologies in Engineering Classrooms.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference. Nashville, TN, November 1992, pp668-670, Nov. 1992.
- Genalo, L. J., “Cost Effective, High Technology Classroom Delivery Systems.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Vol. 1. June 1993, pp. 620-623, 1993.
- Genalo, L. J. “NEEDS: High Technology Delivery Systems.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference. Washington, D.C., pp592-597. Nov. 1993.
- Genalo, L. J., Windom, Kimberly D., Jolly, Shannon, and Semple, Alethea, “K-12 Linkage for Women Engineers – Students Creating Courseware for Other Students”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Vol. 1, pp1033-1036, June, 1995.
- Genalo, L.J. and Williams, Brian D. “The Freshman Engineering Problems and Programming Course: Integrating New and Old Tools”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Vol. 1, pp1532-1536, June, 1995.
- Genalo, L. J. and Williams, Brian D. “The Freshman Engineering Problems and Programming Course: Integrating New and Old Tools”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Vol. 1, pp1532-1536, June, 1995.
- Genalo, L. J., Windom, Kimberly D., Jolly, Shannon, and Semple, Alethea, “K-12 Linkage for Women Engineers – Students Creating Courseware for Other Students”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Vol. 1, pp1033-1036, June, 1995.
- Genalo, L. J., “The Engineering Problems/Programming Course on the Web,”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, June, 1996.
- Genalo, L. J., Collier, C., Roberts, M., and Sandberg, J., “Creating Web Explorations in Science and Engineering,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, June, 1996.
- Genalo, L. J., Wright C. T., Jr., Wright K. B., Collier, C. L., “Toying with Technology: Mobile Robots and High School Interns,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, on CD – Session # 1692, June 1997.
- Genalo, L.J., Athreya, K.A., Dieterich, A.K., “Internet Explorers: An NSF Sponsored Internship,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, on CD – Session # 1692, June 1998.
- Genalo, L. J., “A Revised Outcomes-Based Materials Engineering Program at Iowa State University,” Best Assessment Processes in Engineering Education II, Rose-Hulman, October, 1998, Vol 3, pp35-42.
- Genalo, L. J., Wright C. T., Wright K. B., “Toying with Technology in Elementary Education,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, on CD – Session # S4H, November, 1998.
- Genalo, L. J., “A Combined Outcomes-Based Materials Curriculum”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, on CD – Session # 1464, June, 1999.
- Genalo, L. J., “A Project-Based Approach to DOE in Materials”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, on CD – Session # 1364, June, 1999.
- Gill, S. S. and Genalo, L. J. “Best Practices in High-Tech Learning”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Vol 2, pp2585-2590, June, 1995.
- Harris, James G., Frair, Karen, Aung, Win, and Hill, Susan T. (1992). “Model for the Infrastructure of Engineering Education.” Proceedings, Frontiers of Education: 22nd Annual Conference. Nashville, TN, November 11-14, 1992. IEEE catalog no. 92CH3210-2.
- Harris, James G., Johnson, Madeleine M., Rogers, Norm, and Waddell, Jay. ,”Local NEEDS Implementation for All Programs.” Proceedings, Frontiers in Education: 23rd Annual Conference. Washington, D.C., November 6-9, 1993. IEEE catalog no. 93CH3373-8.
- Harris, James G. and Nahvi, Mahmood., “Tutorials for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.” Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Innovation in Engineering Education. California State University, Los Angeles, CA, April 15, 1994.
- Hiemcke, C., Gillette, J., Eversden, M., Barrance, P., and Huston, J. (1993). “Performance of Multimedia Courseware for Engineering Dynamics: Student and Faculty Opinion.” Proceedings, 1993 Annual Meeting of the ASEE North Midwest Section. Mankato, MN.
- Hoadley, C. M., and Hsi, S.,”A Multimedia Interface for Knowledge Building and Collaborative Learning“, Supplement to the Proceedings of InterCHI ’93 (International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction), Amsterdam, April 24-29, 1993, pp103-104
- Hoadley, C. M., Hsi, S., Berman, B. P. “The Multimedia Forum Kiosk and SpeakEasy.” Proceedings of ACM Multimedia ’95, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 5-9, 1995.
- Hsi, S. and Agogino, A.M., “Creating Excitement and Motivation in Engineering Design: Evaluating Student Participatory Experiences in Multimedia Case Studies.” Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA `93, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Orlando, Florida, June 23-26, 1993, pp. 255-261.
- Hsi, S. H. and Agogino, A.M., “Navigational Issues in Multimedia Case Studies of Engineering Design.” Proceedings of the HCI International `93, 5th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Orlando, Florida; August 8-13, 1993, pp. 764-769.
- Hsi, S. and Agogino, A.M., “Use of Multimedia Technology in Teaching Engineering Design.” Proceedings of the HCI International ’93, 5th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Orlando, Florida; August 8-13, 1993, pp. 778-783.
- Hsi, S. and Agogino, A. M., “ Scaffolding Knowledge Integration through Designing Multimedia Case Studies of Engineering Design,” Engineering Education for the 21st Century: Proceedings of Frontiers in Education, FIE’95, (with S. Hsi), ASEE/IEEE, pp. 4d1.1-4d1.4, 1995.
- Hsi, S. and Agogino, A. M., “ Learning Style Based Innovations to Improve Retention of Female Engineering Students in the Synthesis Coalition“, Engineering Education for the 21st Century: Proceedings of Frontiers in Education, FIE’95, (with S. Hsi), ASEE/IEEE, pp. 4a2.1-4a2.4, 1995.
- Huston, Jeffrey C., Hiemcke, Christoph, and Barrance, Peter, “Incorporating Multimedia Courseware into the Instruction of Undergraduate Dynamics.” Proceedings Frontiers in Education 22nd Annual Conference, Towards 2000: Facing the Future in Engineering Education. ASEE/IEEE, 1992.
- Huston, Jeffrey C., Rothmayer, Alric, and Nelson, Ron, “National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS): A Pathway to Engineering Excellence.” Proceedings, 1991 Annual Meeting of the ASEE North Midwest Section. Platteville, WI, 1991.
- Ingraffea, A.R., Agogino, A. M., and Sheppard, S., “NEEDS:Expanding the Role of the Computer in Engineering Education.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics. Morgantown, West VA, May 22-28, 1994, pp. 189-195.
- Jenison, R., “Designing a Graphics Program for Design.” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry. Melbourne, Australia, August 1992.
- Jenison R., “Graphics – Just-in-Time for Design.” Proceedings of the 48th Midyear Conference of the Engineering Design Graphics Division. October 1993.
- Jenison, R., “Stimulating Interest and Promoting Learning in Engineering Graphics,” invited paper. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry. Tokyo, Japan, August 1994.
- Jenison, R. and Dieterich, A., “Assessing Learning in Engineering Education”, Proceedings of the 59th Annual ASEE North Midwest Section Meeting, Iowa City, October 9,1997.
- Katz, R. H., “Experiences in Teacing Rapid Prototyping Concepts in an Undergraduate Digital Logic Design Course: Successes and Failures.” Proceedings, 4th MicroSystems Educators Conference. San Jose, CA, July 1991, pp. 4-16.
- Lakin, F., Baya, V., Cannon, D.M., Brereton, M., Toye, G., and Leifer, L. “Mapping Design Information.” Proceedings of the AAAI 92 Workshop on Design Rationale Capture and Use. San Jose, CA, July 1992
- Leifer, L. “A Tool and Protocol for Developing Reusable Design Knowledge.” Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA’92). Irvine, CA, February 3-6, 1992
- Leifer, L., Baya, V., Toye, G., Baudin, C., and Gevins-Underwood, J. “Engineering Design Knowledge Recycling in Near-Real-Time.” Proceedings of the NASA Space Operations, Applications and Research Conference (SOAR’93), Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, August 2-5, 1993
- Lieu, D.K. and Talbot, N.H. “Introduction of Graphical Finite-Element Stress Analysis in an Undergraduate Curriculum,” Proceedings 1993 ASEE Design Graphics Division Midyear Conference. San Francisco, CA. In ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Vol. 57, No. 1, Winter 1993, pp. 33-39.
- McKenna, A., and Agogino, A. , “Engineering for Middle School: A Web-based Module for Learning and Designing with Simple Machines”, FIE’97, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 1997.
- McKenna, A. and A. M. Agogino, “Integrating Design, Analysis and Problem Solving in an Introduction to Engineering Curriculum for High School Students.” Engineering Education: Contributing to U.S. Competitiveness; Proceedings of ASEE ’98, ASEE, June 28-July 1, 1988, CD ROM, Session 1280, pp. 1-14. (Won ‘overall best paper award’ for ASEE ’98.) http://socrates.
- McKenna, Ann and Alice M. Agogino, “Engineering for Middle School: A Web-based Module for Learning and Designing with Simple Machines,” CD ROM ISBN 0-7803-4089-2, IEEE/ASEE FIE’97 (Frontiers in Engineering Education) Conference. Won Best Paper Award; thirteen papers out of 400 submitted were selected for this award. Also published as in the Journal of Engineering Education, Oct. 1998, pp. 437-444.
- McKenna, Ann, Lydia Mongia and Alice M. Agogino, “Capturing Students’ Teamwork and Open-Ended Performance in an Undergraduate Multimedia Engineering Design Class,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Engineering Education Conference ’98, (CD RPM version: IEEE Catalog # 0-7803-4762-5/98), Nov. 4-7, Tempe, AZ, pp. 264-269.
- Mabogunje, A., Baya, V., Brereton, M., and Leifer, L. “2-Ten-X: A Model and Methodology for Improving Product Development Performance.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED’93). The Hague, Netherlands, August 17-19, 1993.
- Minneman, S. and Harrison, S. “Where Were We: Making and Using Pre-synchronous, Pre-narrative Video.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia. Anaheim, CA, August 1993.
- Minneman , S. and Leifer, L. “Group Engineering Design Practice: The Social Construction of a Technical Reality.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED’93). The Hague, Netherlands, August 17-19, 1993.
- Muramatsu, B., “The National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS) Supporting the Transformation of Engineering Education,” to appear in the Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Engineering Education, August 15-17, 1997.
- Nahvi, M.J. “Coordination of Human Upper-Arm and Forearm Motion in Rapid Extensions,” workshop. Proceedings of the Human-Machine Interfaces for Teleoperators and Virtual Environments Conference. Engineering Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA, March 4-9, 1990.
- Nahvi, M. J. “Digital Signal Processing Chips, Boards and Systems: A Powerful New Environment to Provide Industrial/Research Experience for Undergraduate Students.” Proceedings of the Engineering Education: Curriculum Innovation and Integration Conference. Santa Barbara, CA, January 1992. An expanded version of this paper is presented in the ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. Toledo, Ohio, June 1992, pp. 37-41.
- Nahvi, M.J. “Fast Movements of Human Arm: Reflections on Control Issues.” Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Cambridge, MA, November 1989, pp. 1109-1112.
- Nahvi, M. J. “On the Neural Network of a Synthetic Cerebellum to Control Fast Movements of an Arm.” Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. II. San Diego, CA, June 17-21, 1990, pp. 765-770.
- Nahvi, M.J. “Synthetic Cerebellum: What It May Do, and How It May Do It.” Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Washington, D.C., January 15-19, 1990. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. 1, pp. 106-109.
- Nahvi, M.J. “Teaching Introductory Courses in Electrical Engineering to Engineering Majors; New Tools and Context.” Frontiers in Education, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference. Santa Barbara, CA, October 1988, pp. 76-80. IEEE Publication 88CH2677-3.
- Nahvi, M. J., Attala, E., Harris, J., and Nafisi, A. “Use of Technology for Undergraduate Engineering Education: An Interactive Instructional Module Using Integrated Computer/Video System.” Proceedings of FIE Conference. Vienna, July 1990, pp. 224-226.
- Nahvi, M., Black, J.B., Demetry, J., and Jones, J. “Development and Use of Interactive Instructional Modules for Electrical Engineering.” Proceedings of the Engineering Education: Curriculum Innovation and Integration Conferences. Santa Barbara, CA, January 1992.
- Nahvi, M.J. and De Gaudenzi, R. “Simultaneous Ranging and Telecommand in ESA Deep Space Tracking System; Minimization of Intermodulation Interference.” Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communication, Computers and Signal Processing. Victoria, Canada, June 1989, pp. 478-481.
- Nahvi, M. J. and Leung, T. “Learning Through Synthesis and Design: An Example in Digital Signal Processing Education.” Proceedings of TMS320 Educators Conference. Houston, TX, July 31-August 2, 1991, pp. 331-345.
- Nahvi, M. J., and Parada, L. E. “A Dazzling Undergraduate Experience: Design and Construction of a Data Acquisition and Processing DSP-Based Board.” Proceedings of the Second Annual TMS320 Educators Conference, Houston, TX, August 5-7, 1992.
- Nahvi, M. “Transfer of State-of-the-art DSP Technology to Undergraduate EE/CPE Education and Innovations”, Proceedings of ASEE-CIGTT, Technology 2006, the seventh National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, Anaheim CA October 29-31, 1996
- Nahvi, M. ” Dynamics of a Student-Computer Interaction in a Simulation Environment: Reflections on Curricular Issues” scheduled for presentation at Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 96, November 6-9, 1996, Salt Lake City, UT
- Nelson, Ron M., Huston, Jeffrey C., and Rothmayer, Alric. “A Progress Report on the Development of the National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS).” Proceedings 1992 Annual Meeting of the ASEE North Midwest Section. Milwaukee, WI.
- Niku, Saeed, B., “Metamorphic Mechanical Dissection and Design in Freshman Engineering Courses”, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Anaheim, CA., June 1995, pp 2035-2037.
- Niku, Saeed B., “Teaching Mechatronics to First Year Engineering Students”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, June 1996.
- Okamura, A. and Lieu, D.K. “Enhancing Graphics Education with Stereoscopic Images in PC-Based CAD.” Proceedings for the 1993 ASEE Design Graphics Division Midyear Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 1993.
- Okamura, A. and Lieu, D.K. “Multimedia Instruction for Descriptive Geometry.” Proceedings of the ASEE Design Graphics Division, Midyear Conference, Athens, OH, October 1993.
- Oladipupo, A.O. “Computer Solids Modeling and Visualization.” Proceedings of Foundations in Engineering (FIE) Conference. Nashville, TN, 1992.
- Oladipupo, A.O. “Solid Modeling in Freshman Graphics.” Proceedings of the 1991 Annual ASEE Conference. New Orleans, LA, June 1991.
- Osborn, J.R. and Agogino, A.M. “An Interface for Interactive Spatial Reasoning and Visualization.” Proceedings of CHI’92 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Monterey, CA, May 3-7, 1992. In ACM, New York, 1992, pp.75-82.
- Prabhu, G.M. and Wright, C.T., Jr. “The Use of Micro Controllers in Mechatronics Education.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Mechatronics Education. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, July 1994.
- Rachedine, Oladipupo, “Enhanced Laboratory Experiment Methods for Circuit Theory”, Proceedings of the ASEE Conference, Edmonton, Canada, June, 1994.
- Rachedine, Oladipupo, “Six Year Study of Pre-engineering at Hampton University”, Proceedings of the FIE Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 1996.
- Reamon, D., S.D.Sheppard, “Analytic Problem Solving Methodology,” Proceedings of FIE ’96, Salt Lake City, Utah, November, 1996.
- Reamon, D., Sheppard, S.D., “The Role of Simulation Software in an Ideal Learning Environment,” accepted for Proceedings of the 1997 ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Sacramento, CA, Sept. 14-17, 1997.
- Richkus, R., A. M. Agogino, D. Yu, and D. Tang , “Virtual Disk Drive Design Game with Links to Math, Physics and Dissection Activities”. To be published in the Proceedings of FIE’99
- Seif, M.A. “Rules in Design: A Multimedia Case Study.” ASEE/GSW 1994 Proceedings. Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, March 24-25, 1994, pp. 647.
- Seif, M. A., “Multimedia Design Case Studies,” Proc. Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE’96), Technology-based Re-engineering Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 6-9, 1996
- Seif, M. A., “Mechatronics: An Interdisciplinary Course for Engineering Students ,” Proc. Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE’96), Technology-based Re-engineering Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 6-9, 1996
- Seif, M. A., “Mechatronics Concurrent Courseware,” Proceedings Mechatronics’96 Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 13-15, 1996, pp 116-121
- Sheppard, S.D. “Mechanical Dissection: An Experience in How Things Work,” invited paper. Proceedings of the Engineering Education: Curriculum Innovation & Integration. Santa Barbara, CA, January 6-10, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D., Tsai, J., “A Note on Mechanical Dissection with Pre-college Students”, New Approaches to Undergraduate Engineering Education IV, Santa Barbara, CA, July 26-31, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D., “Dissection as a Learning Tool,” Proceedings of the FIE Conference, Nasvhille, TN, Nov. 14, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D., “Making Connections to Engineering during the First Two Years,” Proceedings of the FIE Conference, Nashville, TN, Nov. 13, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D., R. Jension, “Thoughts on Freshman Engineering Design Experiences,” accepted for Proceedings of the FIE ’96, Salt Lake City, Utah, November, 1996.
- Sheppard, S.D., L. Leifer, “ME-PEER: one model for peer involvement in course assessment,” conference proceedings from New Approaches to Undergraduate Engineering Workshop VIII, Kingston, ON, July 25, 1996.
- Sheppard, S.Jeremijenko, N.,Shasby, K., “Riding a Bicycle, Reading Aloud and Learning Design Engineering: Can Students Actively Learn from a Text?”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 1997, Finland, August 19-22, 1997.
- Sheppard, S.D., Johnson, M., Leifer, L., “A Model for Peer and Student Involvement in Course Assessment, accepted for IEEE Proceedings from 1997 Frontiers in Enducation Conference, November, 1997.
- Sidler, R., Collier, C. “Multimedia Instructional Tools for Engineering Design/Graphics”, Proceedings of ASEE North Midwest Section 1994 Annual Meeting, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN, October, 1994.
- Sidler-Kellogg, R. and Jenison, R. “Utilizing Reverse Engineering to Explore the Design Process” Proceedings of the 1997 ASEE Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June, 1997.
- Smay, Terry A. and Genalo, Lawrence J. “Creating Courseware for Engineering Education.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Vol. 2, June 1992, pp. 1752-1756.
- Smay, T. and Wright , C.T., Jr. “How Soon, A VSLI Design Testing and Interface Experiment.” Proceedings of the 1991 Micro Electronics Education Conference and Exposition, San Jose, CA, August 1991.
- Stanard, R. and Agogino, A. M. ” People, Product and Process: Interactive Multimedia Case Study in Integrated Design and Manufacturing Strategies“, Engineering Education for the 21st Century: Proceedings of Frontiers in Education, FIE’95, ASEE/IEEE, pp. 3a2.22-3a2.26.
- Sullivan, E. “Summary of Roundtable Discussion on Transportation Control Strategies.” Proceedings of the Speciality Conference on Transportation Planning and Air Quality. American Society of Civil Engineers, Santa Barbara, CA, July 1991.
- Sullivan, E., Chatziioanou, A., Taff, S., and Staley, C. “Testing and Feasibility of Video-Image Processing Systems (VIPS) for Traffic Detection.” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering. Minneapolis, MN, August 1991.
- Sullivan, E. and MacCarley, C.A. “Dynamic Extension of Static Traffic Flow Models for Computer Simulation.” Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Pittsburg Conference on Modeling and Simulation. May 1992.
- Sullivan, E., Metzger, T., and Somayaji, S. “Computer Integration of Civil Engineering Curricula.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Centennial Conference. Champaign-Urbana, IL, June 1993.
- Sullivan, E., Staley, C., and Mastako, K. “The California Polytechnic State University ATMIS Traffic Operations Center Simulator.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, Anaheim, CA, June 1993.
- Sullivan, Edward C. “Using Multimedia Teaching Materials in Civil Engineering Educatiqon”. In Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (Pahl, P.J., and H. Werner, eds.). A.A. Balkema Press, Rotterdam.
- Toye, G., Cutkosky, M., Leifer, L., Tenenbaum, J., and Glicksman, J. “SHARE: A Methodology and Environment for Collaborative Product Development.” Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE’93), IEEE Computer Society Press. Morgantown, West VA, April 1993, pp. 33-47.
- Vanasupa, L.S., “Better Education Tools or Hocus-Pocus?: A Case Study from a Materials Engineering Curriculum.” Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Conference. Champagne-Urbana, IL., pp. 478-484.
- Vanasupa, L.S. “Experiments for an Introductory Course in Materials Science and Engineering.” Proceedings of Community College Engineer Educators Conference. San Luis Obispo, CA, August 1992.
- Walsh, D. “Fish in the Sea – Recruiting Materials Engineers as Undergraduates.” Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Eucation National Conference. New Orleans, LA, June 1991.
- Walsh, D. “Graduate Education, Key to Competitiveness.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference. Toledo, OH, June 1992.
- Walsh, D. “Nondestructive Evaluation – Key to Implementation Beyond 2000.” Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. Toronto, Canada, June 1990
- Walsh, D. “Teaching Solidification – Better Living Through Chemistry.” Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. Toronto, Canada, June 1990.
- Walsh, D. “The Gleeble – Dynamic Materials Engineering Instruction.” Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. Toronto, Canada, June 1990
- Walsh, D. “The Value of ILI Programs at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions.” Proceedings, ASEE National Conference. New Orleans, LA, June 1991
- Walsh, D. and Heidersbach, R. “Nonmetallic Materials Instruction – Pressing the Edge of the Envelope.” Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. Toronto, Canada, June 1990.
- Walsh, D., Pouraghabagher, R., and Koch, M. “Concurrent Engineering – Into the Curriculum” Proceedings, SAE Aerospace Technology Conference. Long Beach, CA, September 1991.
- Wood III, William H. and A. M. Agogino, “A Prescription for Information Prospecting, Data Mining, and Design Refinement,” Proceedings of the 9th International ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (Sept. 14-17, 1997, Sacramento, CA). CD ROM ISBN 0-7918-1243-X.
- Wood, W. H, M.C. Yang, M.R. Cutkosky and A.M. Agogino, “Design Information Retrieval: Improving Access to the Informal Side of Design,” Proceedings of the ASME DETC98/DTM Conference, ISBN 079181953-1, Paper #5665.
- Wujek, J., Schwarz, S. and Auslander, D. “Emulating Industrial Prototyping: Berkeley’s Engineering Design Studio.” Accepted for publication in Proceedings of Frontiers in Education, IEEE/ASEE, November, 1994.
- Yaghi, H. “Telecommunications and the Future of Education,” Proceedings of ASEE Gulf-Southwest Meeting, March 30-31, 1995, pages 80-82, Beaumont, Texas.
- Yaghi, H. “Evolution of Technology at Southern University: a case study,” to appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Technology, Orlando, Texas, Feb. 16-20, 1998.
Other Publications
- Agogino, A.M. and Linn, M.C. “Retaining Female Engineering Students; Will Early Design Experiences Help?,” Viewpoint Editorial. National Science Foundation, NSF Directions, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 8-9. May-June 1992.
- Agogino, A.M., “Engineering Education Reform in the 1990s,” Syllabus, Vol. 8, No. 6, 1995, pp. 38-40.
- ino, A. M. and Sheri Sheppard, “A Hands-On Discussion of ‘Dissection: Coalitions Lessons Learned,” ceedings of FIE ’98, IEEE 0-7803-4762-5/98, p. 700.
- Agogino, A. M., “Synthesis Coalition: Annual Report, Year 2 (1997-1998),” submitted to the National Science Foundation, Oct. 1, 1997.
- Bell, J. E. and Linn, M.C. “Scaffolding Novices in Spatial Reasoning and Visualization for Engineering.” Working Paper, School of Education, University of California at Berkeley. (1993).
- Buckalew, Chris, and Tuel, Clifford W. “Simulating Human Handwriting with Context-Sensitive Fonts.” Technical Report, California Polytechnic State University CPSLO-CSC-93-01. Also submitted to U&LC, the International Journal of Type and Graphic Design.
- Carlstrom, C. M. “Development, Testing and Assessment of the Cyclone Grinder Multimedia Case Study.” MS Project Report [Working Paper # 93-1001-P], Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, October 11, 1993.
- Dattada, P. “User Study for a Networked Multimedia Database of Courseware.” MS Project Report [Working Paper # 93-1205-P], Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, December 9, 1993.
- Demsetz, L. “U.C. Berkeley Hosts HEOP.” U.S. Women Engineer, Vol 37, No. 6, pp. 43. November/December, 1991.
- Eide, Arvid and Huston, Jeff “The Integration of Supporting Technologies Into Engineering Education.” Instructional Computing Update. (1991).
- Evans, J. “Multimedia Case Studies for Teaching Best Design Practices.” MS Project Report [Working Paper # 92-1201-P], Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley.
- Harris, James G. “Engineering – The Bridge Between Two Cultures.” IEEE Education Society and ASEE Electrical Engineering Division Newsletter. Summer, 1992.
- Hernandez, A. “Strategy Preference in Spatial Reasoning Problem Solving.” Masters Project Report, University of California at Berkeley. August, 1993.
- Hsi, S. H. and Linn, M.C. “Is There a Spatial Explanation for Why Women are Underrepresented in Engineering? Scaffolding Students in Spatial Reasoning.” Working Paper, School of Education, University of California at Berkeley. (1994).
- Humphreys, S. “Men and Women and Engineering.” ASEE Prism, pp. 20-23. (1994, January).
- Humphreys, S. and Freeland, Rq. “Retention in Engineering: A Study of Freshman Cohorts.” University of California at Berkeley. (1992).
- Kilker, J. A., and Gay, G. “Information seeking by novices in a collaborative multimedia environment.” IMG Working Paper 94-1. Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics, Ithaca, NY. (1994).
- Mabogunje, A. “Harnessing Questions in Mechanical Design.” Engineers Thesis, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. (1993, July).
- Manly, P. “High Tech Study Group Project Offers New Learning Opportunities.” Instructional Technology Program Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2, University of California, Berkeley. (1992).
- Mazur, F. “Finding new multimedia applications”. CD-ROM Professional, 44-45. (1994, January).
- Mazur, F.E., and Gay, G. “Building a better bridge to students.” Campus Tech, pp 14-18. (Spring, 1993).
- Mazur, F.E. & Gay, G. “Joining digital hypermedia and networking for collaboration in engineering design: A project’s early consideration.” CD-ROM Professional, pp 51-54. (March, 1992).
- Muramatsu, Brandon and Alice M. Agogino, “The National Engineering Education Delivery System: A National Digital Library for Engineering Education,” D-Lib Magazine, April 1999, Vol. 5, Issue 4, ISSN: 1082-9873.
- Nagaraj, S. “Multimedia Case Studies in Engineering: Development and Assessment of the Disk Drive Case Study.” MS Plan II [Working Paper # 93-1203-P], Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, December 13, 1993.
- Nahvi, M. J. “Design-Oriented Courseware for Digital Signal Processing Education: Hardware, Software, and Simulation,” special issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 30-35. (1992, October).
- Rojas-Oviedo, Ruben “Engineering Schools, their Strategies and the Competitiveness of the National Industry and Economy facing the International Markets.” Industrial, Vol. 3, Sinaloa, Mexico. (1993, November).
- Saylor, J. and Bunge, M. B. “Synthesis: A National Engineering Education Coalition.” Technical Journal of the Interactive Multimedia Association Compatibility Project.
- Sullivan, Edward, Hickaday, S., Taff, S., and Stanley, C. “Caltrans/California Polytechnic State University Traffic Operations Center Simulator.” Transportation Research, Record 1360. (1992).
- Sullivan, Edward, Botha, J., and Zeng, X. “Comparison of the Performance of the TWOPAS and TRARR Models When Simulating Traffic on Low Design Speed Two-Lane Highways.” Transportation Research Board, Record 1398. (1993).
- Sullivan, Edward, and Devadoss “High-Occupancy Vehicle Facility Safety in Califofnia.” Transportation Research Board, Record 1394. (1993).
- Sullivan, Edward, and Shoemaker, B. “HOV Lanes and Ramp Metering: Can They Work Together for Air Quality?” Transportation Research Board, Record in press. (1994).
- Sullivan, Edward, Botha, J., and Zeng, X. “Level of Service of Two-Lane Rural Highways with Low Design Speeds.” Transportation Research Board, Record in press. (1994).
- Sullivan, Edward “Transportation and Economic Development of Coastal Areas in the Pacific Northwest.” Transportation Research Board, Record 1359. (1992).
- Vanasupa, L.S. “A 69cents Look At the Glass Softening Temperature.” UPDATE, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. (1992).
- Vanasupa, L.S. “Bucky Who?!” UPDATE, Vol. 7, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. (1992, Fall).
- Adeyiga, Adeyinka, Walsh, Daniel, and Freyburg, David, “Changing the Culture for Engineering Education.” Presented at ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November 11-14, 1992.
- Aglan, H. and Sheppard, S. “Understanding How Things Work; A Precursor to Creative Design.” Presented at the National Engineering Foundation Conference on Engineering Education, Palm Coast, FL, July 1993.
- Aglan, H., Seif M., Ali S. and Bofah K., “Engineering Curriculum Reform:A Successful Experience At Tuskegee University,”ASEE Southeastern Section Meeting, April 14-16, 1996, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- Agogino, A.M. “Integrating Design and Manufacturing Education within Broader Societal Goals,” Testimony to the House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, May 12, 1992.
- Agogino, A.M. and Ingraffea, A.P., “The Synthesis Coalition’s Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering and Geographic Information Systems Symposium. Dallas, TX, June 7-9, 1992.
- Agogino, A.M. “Integrating Science and Technology Education and Research,” Statement before the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, University of California at Berkeley, July 15, 1992.
- Agogino, A.M., and Evans, J. “Multimedia Case Studies of Design in Industry.” Working Paper # 92-0702-0. Presented at ASME Design Theory and Methodology `93 Conference.
- Agogino, A.M. and Cross, James E. Representing the Synthesis Coalition in presenting a poster session for Project Impact: Disseminating Innovation in Undergraduate Education. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, May 31 – June 3, 1994.
- Agogino, A.M. and Evans, J. “Multimedia Case Studies of Design in Industry.” Working Paper # 92-0702-0. Presented at ASME Design Theory and Methodology `93 Conference.
- Agogino, A.M. and Muramatsu, B., “Information Technologies Enabling a Paradigm Shift in Engineering Education,” Japan-U.S. Conference on Engineering Educational Assessment, November 27-30, 1995, Osaka, Japan. Invited Presentation.
- Agogino, A.M., Muramatsu, B., Eibeck, P.A., and Stern, J., “Effective Processes to Give Engineering Educators Easy Access To Quality Reviewed Electronic Courseware,” National Science Foundation Engineering Education Innovators’ Conference, Washington, D.C., April 7-8, 1997.
- Agogino, A.M. and Muramatsu, B., “Synthesis Coalition: Multimedia and the Internet Enabling New Modes of Learning,” 1997 All University Conference on Teaching and Learning, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, March 25-26, 1997.
- Agogino, A.M. and Muramatsu, B., “A Multimedia Digital Library of Courseware,” Presented at the 1997 Berkeley Multimedia Research Center Retreat: New Media Teaching and Learning Techniques, Berkeley, California, January 15-16, 1997.
- Auslander, D.M. “Control Implementation: Real Time Multitasking/Multiprocessing.” Presented at Advances in Control Education, IFAC Symposium, Boston, MA, June 1991.
- Auslander, D.M. “Embedded Computing in Engineering Education: Where Do We Go from Here?” Presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 1993.
- Auslander, D.M. “Tools for Teaching Mechatronics.” Presented at the ASEE National Meeting, Champagne, IL, July, 1993.
- Auslander, D.M. “Unified Real Time Task Notation for Mechanical System Control.” Presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 1993.
- Auslander, D.M., Hanidu, G., Jana, A., Landsberger, S., Seif, M., and Yong, Y.C. “Mechatronics in the Synthesis Coalition.” Presented at the IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, Baltimore, MD, Sept 1992.
- Auslander, D.M., Hanidu, G., Jana, A., Jothmurugesan, Seif, M.A., and Yang, Y.C. “Mechatronics Curriculum in the Synthesis Coalition.” Presented at the International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, Baltimore, MD, September 28-30, 1992.
- Auslander, D.M., Lemkin, M., and Huang, A.C. “Control of Complex Mechanical Systems.” Presented at the International Federation of Automatic Control, World Congress, Sydney, Australia., July 1993.
- Bhattacharya, P. K., Anderson, J.A. and Singh, A. “Development of Computer Integrated Semiconductor, Manufacturing Laboratory.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20 -25, 1994.
- Black, B., Demetry, J. S., Jones, J., Nahvi, M., and Voltmer, D. “Computer-Assisted Interactive Instruction: Results from a Developmental Effort.” Presented at Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November 1992.
- Bradley, Doug, and Sidler, Rebecca. “Computer Animation as a Tool for Learning Engineering Design/Graphics Concepts.” Presented at the ASEE 1994 Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 1994.
- Buckalew, Chris. “The Lecturer’s Assistant,”ACM SIGCSE (Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education). Presented at the Technical Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, March 11, 1994.
- Buckalew, Chris. “The Lecturer’s Assistant Prototype.” Presented at the CSU Conference on Innovation in Engineering Education, Sacramento, CA, April 10, 1992.
- Buckalew, Chris. “Using a Prototype Voxel for Visualizing Volumetric Data.” Presented at the IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, January 31, 1993.
- Burris, Charles Lee, Sr. “Design at the Freshman Level at Southern University.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20 -25, 1994.
- Carryer, J. Edward, “Preparing the Leaders in Mechatronics Education,” Faculty Enhancement Workshop on Mechatronic Curriculum Development, San Jose State Univ., June 1996
- Cross, James E. “A DSP Laboratory Based on the ASPI Banshee System and the DFDP3/Plus Filter Design Package.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Champaign-Urbana, IL, June 20-23, 1993.
- Cross, James E. “Getting a Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Started.” Presented at the IEEE Regional Meeting, Birmingham, AL, April 1992.
- Cross, James E. “Getting Started with Real-time Programming for Mechatronic Projects.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20 -25, 1994.
- Cross., James E. “How the Synthesis: National Engineering Education Coalition is Reforming Engineering Education.” Presented to the Eleventh International Conference on Technology and Education, London, England, March 27 -30, 1994.
- Cross, James E. “The Establishment of a State-of-the-Art DSP Lab.” Presented at the ASEE National Conference, Toledo, OH, June 1992.
- Cross, James E. “Using the C compiler for a Real-time DSP Laboratory with the ASPI Banshee System.” Presented at the Third Annual TI TMS320 Educators Conference, Houston, TX, August 4-6, 1993.
- Eibeck, P.A. “A Quasi-Open-Ended Vibrations Experiment with Multimedia Support,”poster session. Presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, Edmonton, CA, June 26-29, 1994.
- Eide, A.R. “The Impact of Technology in Undergraduate Engineering Education.” Presented at the IBM Academic Computing Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1992.
- Eide, A.R. “Integration of Educational Technology, “an invited workshop for faculty at. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, September 1993.
- Eide, A.R. “The Integration of Supporting Technologies into Engineering Education.” Presented at AppleTECH’ 91, St. Louis, MO, June 1991.
- Eide, A.R. and Thomas, R.J. “The Impact of Technology on Undergraduate Education.” Presented at Frontiers in Education, Nashville, TN, November 1992.
- Eide, A.R. and Wong, C.M. “Bridging the Gap in Engineering Education.” Presented at the NMW Section Meeting, ASEE, Houghton, MI, October 1990.
- Fruchter R., “A/E/C Teamwork: Multi-disciplinary, Collaborative, Multi-site Learning Environment”, invited talk at – CIFE Forum, May 1996,
– CIFE Summer Program, August 1996
– Strathclyde University, Scotland, UK, August 1996 - Fruchter R., “A/E/C Computer Integrated Course” invited talk at CIFE Conference on Collaboration in the A/E/C Industry, March 1995.Gay, G. and Lentini, M.”Communication Resource Use in a Networked
- Collaborative Design Environment.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA., April, 1995.
- Gay, G. and Kilker, J. “Information seeking by novices in a collaborative multimedia environment.” Paper presented at the annual conference of International Communication Association, Albuquerque, NM., May, 1995.
- Gay, G. “Augmenting Communication in Collaborative Design Environments.” Paper presented at the annual conference of International Communication Association, Albuquerque, NM., May, 1995.
- Gay, G. and Mazur, J. “Engineering in Context: An interactive multimedia course evaluation.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA., April, 1995.
- Gay, G. and Mazur, J. “User-controlled tracking and design.” Paper presented at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, March, 1993.
- Gay, G. “Collaboration and Multimedia.” Paper presented at Visual Communication Conference, Jackson Hole, WY, June, 1993.
- Gay, G. “Collaborative design in a networked multimedia environment: Emerging communication patterns.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communications Association, Miami, FL, May, 1992.
- Gay, G. Featured in “Inventors and Inventions,” National Geographic Society Series Program, Spring, 1995.
- Gay, G. Faculty Workshop on Evaluation, Mellon Foundation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, January, 1995.
- Gay, G. “Highest Denominator Agricultural Information Systems: Issues and Implications.” Invited speaker, Cornell University Agricultual Experiment Station, December, 1994.
- Gay, G. “Revisiting the partnership with Intelligent Technologies.” Invited speaker, Special Symposium, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April, 1994.
- Gay, G. “Using Multimedia Databases and Tools in Educational Environments.” Keynote Speaker, Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Monbusho), University of Tokyo, Japan, August, 1993.
- Gay, G. “Collaborative Design for Engineering.” Invited speaker, IEEE/NSF, University of Utah, August, 1992.
- Genalo, Lawrence J. “Cost Effective, High Technology Classroom Delivery Systems.” Presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, June, 1993.
- Genalo, Lawrence J. “Creating Courseware for Engineering Education.” Presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, Toledo, OH, June, 1992.
- Genalo, Lawrence J. “New Instructional Technologies in Engineering Education,” an invited workshop for faculty at Michigan Technological University, September 3, 1993.
- Genalo, Lawrence J. “New Technologies in Engineering Classrooms.” Presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November, 1992.
- Genalo, Lawrence J. and Agogino, Alice M. “National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS).” Presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, D.C., November, 1993.
- Henderson, T. L. Presentation at the ASME Winter Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, December, 1991.
- Henderson, T. L. Presentation at the Joint Engineering Education Coalition Meeting, Washington, D.C., Novembe,r 1991.
- Henderson, T. L. Presentation for the National Science Foundation at the Joint Synthesis/ESCEL Meeting, November, 1991.
- Henderson, T. L. Presentation at the National Science Foundation Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., March, 1992.
- Henderson, T. L. Presentation to Exxon USA, Houston, TX, Decembe,r 1991.
- Henderson, T. L. Presented on the Synthesis Coalition at the Hoechst Celanese University Partnership Program, Corpus Christi, TX, November, 1991.
- Henderson, T. L. Presented on the Synthesis SECME, Atlanta, GA, October, 1991.
- Henderson, T. L. “The Engineering Pipeline: A Report on the Progress and Plan for Synthesis Coalition’s Pipeline Thrust Area.” Presented at the ASEE Gulf Southwest Meeting, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, March, 1992.
- Henderson, T.L. “The Potential Impact of a Vertically and Horizontally Integrated Curriculum that Employs Modular Restructuring on Engineering Enrollment, Retention, and Graduation Numbers.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20 -25, 1994.
- Hiemcke, Christoph, Eversden, Mark R., Gillette, Jason C., and Huston, Jeffrey C. “Investigation of Authoring Softwares for the Creation of Engineering Courseware: Recommendations and Illustrative Examples.” Presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Technology-Based Engineering Education Consortium (TBEEC), Santa Fe, NM, November 19-29, 1993.
- Hiemcke, Christoph, Gillette, Jason C., Eversden, Mark R., Barrance, Peter J., and Huston, Jeffrey C. “Performance of Multimedia courseware for Engineering Dynamics: Student and Faculty Opinions.” Presented at the 1993 American Society for Engineering Education North Midwest Section (ASEE-NMS) Annual Meeting, Mankato, MN, September 30 – October 2, 1993.
- Hiemcke, Christoph, and Huston, Jeffrey C. “Information Package about the Establishment and Functions of Courseware Studios.” Presented at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, September, 1993.
- Hsi, S. and Hoadley, C. M. “ An interactive multimedia kiosk as a tool for collaborative discourse, reflection, and assessment.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 1994. (Available from the authors, and also as ERIC document ED375814 (Educational Research Information Clearinghouses).
- Hsi, S. and Hoadley, C.M. “Designing an Interactive Multimedia Kiosk as a Tool for Collaborative Discourse, Reflection, and Assessment.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association., AERA, New Orleans, LA, May, 1994.
- Hsi, S., and Hoadley, C. M. “Assessing Curricular Innovation in Engineering: Using the Multimedia Forum Kiosk.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California, April, 1995. See more publications on this project.
- Huang, Chun L. and Xu, Lin. “A Computer Simulation Program to Teach Heat Transfer and Thermal Problems in Classrooms.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Huston, J.C., Gillette, Jason C., Eversden, Mark R., and Hiemcke, Christoph. “ToolBook Courseware Module on Wheelchair Technology with DVI – Digital Motion Video.” Presented at the Semi-Annual SYNTHESIS Applications and Infrastructure Meeting, University of California at Berkeley, October, 1993.
- Huston, J.C., Gillette, Jason C., Johnson, Richard M., and Hiemcke, Christoph. “Multimedia Software Reviews and Summary of Manual Wheelchair Courseware.” Presented at the Semi-Annual SYNTHESIS Applications and Infrastructure Meeting, Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, May, 1994.
- Huston, J.C. and Hiemcke, Christoph. “Enactment of a Faculty Member Utilizing a Courseware Studio to Develop His/Her Own Modules.” Presented to NSF Review Team at the Renewal Primary Site Visit for the SYNTHESIS Coalition, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, May, 1992.
- Huston, J.C., Hiemcke, Christoph, and Barrance, Peter J. “Incorporating Multimedia Courseware into the Instruction of Undergraduate Dynamics.” Presented at the 1992 ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Nashville, TN, November 1992.
- Huston, J.C., Hiemcke, Christoph, Eversden, Mark R., Levine, M., and Gillette, Jason C. (1993). “Workshop on Macintosh-based Authoring Softwares: Authorware and SuperCard.” Presented at the Semi-Annual SYNTHESIS Infrastructure Meeting, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, May, 1993.
- Huston, J.C., Rothmayer, A.P., and Nelson, R.M. “National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS): A Pathway to Engineering Excellence.” Presented at the 1991 Midwest ASEE Annual Meeting.
- Ibekwe, Samuel, Jana, Amitava, and Wang, Cheng S. “Integration of CAD in Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Curriculum: A Structured Approach.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Ingraffea, A. R. “Engineering Education Coalitions,” presentation on the Synthesis Coalition. Presented to the ASEE Engineering Deans Institute, New Orleans, LA, March 29, 1993.
- Ingraffea, A. R. “NSF Engineering Education Coalitions: Impact of New Initiatives on Mechanics Education, ” presentation on the Synthesis Coalition. Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, San Diego, CA, September 14, 1992.
- Ingraffea, A. R. “Synthesis: A National Engineering Education Coalition,” progress report. Presented to Deans Meeting, New York State Association of Engineering Colleges, Alfred, NY, April 16, 1993.
- Ingraffea, A. R. “Synthesis: Striding Toward Success,” annual report. Presented to the Public on the Synthesis Coalition, ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November 12-13, 1992.
- Ingraffea, A. R. “The Future of Engineering Education and the Role of ABET Accreditation in the 21st Century,” presentation on the Synthesis Coalition. Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology, San Antonio, TX, October 28, 1992.
- Ingraffea, A. R. “The Synthesis Coalition: Sharpening our Focus, Energizing the Teams,” presentation on the Synthesis Coalition. Presented to the ASEE Annual Meeting, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL, June 23, 1993.
- Ingraffea, A. R. “Update on the Synthesis Coalition: Mechatronics and Multimedia.” Presented to the Twin Tiers Chapter of ASHRAE on Synthesis: A National Engineering Education Coalition, Binghamton, NY, March 16, 1993.
- Ingraffea, A. R. Speaker at Press Conference for joint Synthesis Coalition, Altoona Area School District Project, Altoona, PA, November 18, 1992.
- Jana, Amitava and Chehl, Sahib S. “NSF Supported Mechanical Measurements and Robotics Laboratory.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20 -25, 1994.
- Jenison, R. “Product Dissection – A Vehicle for Promoting Learning in Engineering Graphics.” Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, Tokyo, Japan, August 1994.
- Jerro, D. and Jana, Amitava. “Multiprocessing Systems: A Design Experience.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Joseph, Erat S. and Lawson, Huey K. “Safety of Dams Education Program.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Leifer, L. “ARPA MADE Concurrent Engineering Workshop.” Washington, D.C., October 20-23, 1992.
- Leifer, L. “ARPA MADE Concurrent Engineering Workshop.” Orlando, FL, June 10-12, 1993.
- Leifer, L. “ARPA – MADE Program Workshop.” Orlando FL, November 15-17, 1993.
- Leifer, L. “ARPA – MADE Program Workshop.” Washington, D.C., February 7-9, 1994.
- Leifer, L. “DARPA – MADE Program Workshop.” Gaithersberg, VA, Nov 21-22, 1992.
- Leifer, L. “Design Requirements for Tools that must Support Design as a Social Process.” Presented at the NSF Workshop on Information Capture and Access in Engineering Design Environments. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 24-25, 1991.
- Leifer, L. “Engineering Design: A Social Process.” Presented at Foundations in Education. Nashville, TN, November 11-13, 1992.
- Leifer, L. “Engineering Design as a Social Process.” Presented at the FIE’92 Conference on Frontiers In Engineeirng Education, November 24-25, 1992.
- Leifer, L. “First Results from the ME210 Mechatronic Systems Design Methodology Testbed Experiment.” Presented at the DARPA – MADE Program Workshop, Orlando, FL, May 18-20, 1993.
- Leifer, L. “Mechatronic Systems Design & Methodology Curriculum Architecture.” Presented at the Design Research Center Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, April 5, 1993.
- Leifer, L. “ME210abc: Mechatronic Systems Design Methodology Testbed for Concurrent Engineering Research.” Presented at the DARPA – MADE Program Workshop, Gaithersberg, VA, Nov 21-22, 1992.
- Leifer, L. “NSF Coalition Annual Review.” Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, July 28-30, 1993.
- Leifer, L. “NSF-DUE Restructuring Engineering Education Workshop.” Washington, D.C., June 6-9, 1994.
- Leifer, L. “NSF Mechatronics Workshop.” University of California at Berkeley, October 7-8, 1992.
- Leifer, L. “NSF Workshop on Critical Issues in Biomedical Design.” Columbus, OH, July 9-11, 1993.
- Leifer, L. NSF Workshop on Information Capture and Access in Engineering Design Environments.” Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 24-25, 1991.
- Leifer, L. “Synthesis Assessment Workshop.” Palo Alto, CA, January 15-16, 1994.
- Leifer, L. “Synthesis Assessment Workshop.” Baton Rouge, LA, Mar 15, 1994.
- Leifer, L. “Synthesis Coalition Curriculum Applications Workshop.” Stanford University, Stanford, CA, March 13-14, 1993.
- Leifer, L. “Synthesis Coalition Curriculum Applications Workshop.” Stanford University, Stanford, CA, April 13-14, 1993.
- Leifer, L. “Teaching Students to Manage Engineering Design as a Social Process.” Presented at the FIE’92 Conference on Frontiers In Engineeirng Education, November 24-25, 1992.
- Leifer, L., Sheppard, S. D. “AAHE Workshop on Peer Evaluation of Teaching.” Stanford, CA, June 20-25, 1994.
- Lentini, M. and Gay, G. “Interdisciplinary Collaboration Using a Hypermedia Spreadsheet.” Presented at Collaborative hypermedia analysis: Systems and issues for educational assessment, Symposium, American Educational Research Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, April, 1995.
- Linn, M. C. “Evaluation Plan,” Report to NSF for Synthesis, April 24, 1992.
- Lorimer, W.L. and Lieu, D.K. (1992) “Hardware, Software, and Curriculum Decisions for Engineering Graphics Instruction Using CAD,” presented at the 1990 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 1990. ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, Winter 1992.
- Mohamadian, Habib P., and Burris, Charles L. “Implementation of Design Projects in Undergraduate Computer Aided Drafting Course.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Mohamadian, Habib P. and Paydar, Reza. “Application of Multimedia in an Integrated Lecture/Experimentation Learning Station.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Mohamadian, Habib P. , Jackson, Anthony, Dillion, Craig, Morgan, Jeseph, and James, Printice, May, 1997, “Alternative Floor Panel Installation”, presented to the Boeing Company, Wichita, Kansas.
- Mohamadian, Habib, Hall, A. Myles, J. Williams, D., Gauthreaux, E. May, 1997, “Affect on the Stress Concentration on Tension Loaded Panels”, Presented to the Boeing Company, Wichita, Kansas.
- Moller-Wong, Cheryl. “Engineering Game Plans: Designing Before the First Play,” poster session. Presented at the 1992 Engineering Pipeline Conference, Houston, TX, September 1992.
- Moller-Wong, Cheryl. “Extending Engineering Awareness to Elementary and Middle School Students.” Presented at Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, August, 1991.
- Moller-Wong, Cheryl. “ISU’s Game Plan for Engineering Outreach: Kindergarten to Community College.” Presented at the 1992 Engineering Pipeline National Conference, Houston, TX, Septembe,r 1992.
- Moller-Wong, Cheryl, and Zunkel, Karen. “Outreach to Teachers.” Presented at the Engineering Pipeline National Conference, Houston, TX, September, 1992.
- Muramatsu, B., “NEEDS – The National Engineering Education Delivery System: A Databse of Engineering Education Courseware and Multilevel Peer Review System,” Invited presentation to the Beta Coalition, Binghamton, NY, June 6, 1997.
- Nahvi, M. J. “A Computer-Based Intelligent Tutor-Tester for Electrical Engineering.” Presented at the 1990 IEEE Conference on System, Man, Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, November 1990.
- Nahvi, M.J. “An Expert System Approach to Determination of Tropospheric Error in Microwave Ranging,” paper IAF-86-251. Presented to the 37th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Innsbruck, Austria, October 4-11, 1986. Also in Acta Astronautica, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 359-366. (1988):
- Nahvi, M. J. “Direct Experience in Digital Signal Processing Education: From Analysis to Design, Production, and Application,” paper presented at the Dean’s Advisory Council, California Polytechnic Universitiy, San Luis Obispo, CA, May 1, 1992.
- Nahvi, M. J. On the Architecture of a Synthetic Neural Network for Motor Control.” Presented at the Artificial Intelligence Symposium, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, June, 1990.
- Nahvi, M. J. “On the Architecture of a Synthetic Neural Network for Motor Control.” Presented at IJCNN 91, Seattle, WA, July, 1991.
- Nahvi, M. J. “State-of-the-Art Interactive Instructional Modules for Undergraduate Engineering Education.” Presented at the Second Annual CSU Conference on Innovation in Engineering Education, Sacramento, CA, April 10, 1992. An expanded version of the paper is presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November, 1992.
- Nahvi, M. J. “Teaching the Introductory Course in Circuit Theory: New Tools and Context.” Presented at the Symposium on Circuits, Systems, and Information, University of California at Los Angeles, May 26-27, 1990. In Circuits, Systems, and Information: A Tribute to Professor Fazlollah Reza (1991), (Eds., Jamshidi, Ahmadi, and Nahvi). Albuquerque, New Mexico: TDI Press.
- Nahvi, M. J., Hartl, Ph., Thiel, K-H, and Grassl “Study of Wet Correction by Surface Models,” final report and executive summary, ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 8129/88/NL/BI/(SC), June, 1992.
- Nahvi, M. J. and Nahvi, R. “Propagation of Solitary Waves in a Neural Network.” Presented at the 2nd Annual AI Symposium for the CSU, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, June, 1991.
- Nahvi, M.J., Reed, C., and Guerrera, E. “Learning and Teaching Digital Signal Processing by Doing Digital Processing: An Undergraduate Experience,” paper presented at the Third Annual TMS320 Educators Conference, Houston, TX, August 11-13, 1993.
- Nahvi, M. J., Rekhtman V., and Cueva G. “Statistical Analysis by Neural Networks: Comparison with Regression Methods.” Presented at the 2nd Annual AI Symposium for CSU, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, June, 1991.
- Nahvi, M.J. and Yates, P.A. “Propagation of Activity in a Parallel Neural Network with Inhibitory Feedback,” paper presented at the Third Annual Parallel Processing Symposium, Fullerton, CA, March, 1989.
- Nahvi, M., “An Introductory Freshman Activity in Electrical Engineering”, Paper presented at “New Approaches to Undergraduate Engineering Education, VIII”, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 1996, Book of abstracts.
- Oladipupo, A.O. “Freshman Graphics: Visualizing with Solids Modeling.” Presented at the ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November 11-14, 1992.
- Porche, Isaac Rene, Jr. “Quick and Economical Multimedia Tools for Engineers Courseware Development: Hypercard and Supercard.” Presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Technology and Education, London, England, March 27-30, 1994.
- Qasem, I. “Multimedia Technology in Engineering Education.” Presented at the IEEE Regional Meeting, Birmingham, AL, April, 1992.
- Ray, P.K. “Restructuring Engineering Curriculum.” Presented at the 16th Panamerican Congress on Engineering Education, Acapulco, Mexico, July, 1994.
- Rothmayer, A.P. “Aerodynamic Lectures with Digital Video Interactive Technology.” Presented at the Media Break 1992, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 1992.
- Rothmayer, A.P. “Digital Video Interactive Technology for Instruction,” invited talk by IBM. Presented at the Academic Computing Conference, Drake University, Des Moines, IA, 1992.
- Shaban, E. H. and Singleton, C. “Computer Simulation in Digital Logic Design Laboratoryware.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Shaban, E. H. and Singleton, C. “Low Cost Laboratoryware of Semiconductor Manufacturing, Processing in Undergraduate Engineering Education.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Shah, Ramesh T. “Integrated Design Experience,” abstract paper. Presented at the Gulf Southwest Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 24-25, 1994. (Theme: Shaping Our World: Educating Engineers for the 21st Century.)
- Shah, Ramesh T. “The Freshman Year Expereince: A Key to Engineering Student Success,” paper abstract. Presented at the 4th Annual CSU Conference on Innovation in Engineering Education, Cal State, Los Angeles, CA
- Sheppard, S.D. “A Note on Mechanical Dissection with Pre-college Students.” Presented at New Approaches to Undergraduate Engineering Education IV. Santa Barbara, CA, July 26-31, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Connecting Manufacturing and Design, ” invited talk for Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA, March 8, 1994.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Dissection as a Learning Tool.” Presented at the FIE Conference, Nasvhille, TN, November 14, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Industry in the Classroom,” invited talk for University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI, November 19, 1993.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Making Connections to Engineering During the First Two Years.” Presented at the FIE Conference, Nashville, TN, November 13, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Mechanical Dissection: A New Course.” Presented at the Product Realization Workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, August 28, 1991.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Mechanical Dissection: An Experience in How Things Work.” Presented at the Engineering Education: Curriculum Innovation & Integration Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, January 5-10, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Teaching MD to Freshmen: Successes and Flops,” invited talk for the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, January 20, 1994.
- Sheppard, S.D. “The Undergraduate Experience: Surviving and Thriving,” invited panel talk. Presented at the Women in Engineering Conference, University of California at Berkeley, October 23, 1993.
- Sheppard, S.D. “Why We Should Be Having Our Students Take Things Apart,” invited talk at University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, November 21, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D. Invited panel member at ASME 1992 Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, November 8-13, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D. and Aceto, J. “An exercise for National Engineerings Week.” Presented at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, February 1994.
- Sheppard, S.D. and Tsai, J. “A Note on Mechanical Dissection with Pre-college Students.” Presented at New Approaches to Undergraduate Engineering Education IV, Santa Barbara, CA, July 26-31, 1992.
- Sheppard, S.D., “Thoughts on Freshman Engineering Design Experiences”, Invited paper at the University of Washington, Symposium on Engineering Education in the 21st Century, May 16, 1996.
- Sheppard, S.D., “The making of an engineer”, a hands-on talk given at Stanford’s Sierra Camp, July 19, 1997, Fallen Leaf Lake.
- Sidler, Rebecca and Collier, Christine. “Multimedia Instructional Tools for Engineering Design/Graphics.” To be presented at the ASEE North Midwest Section 1994 Annual Meeting, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MI, October 1994.
- Sidler-Kellogg, “Key Factors Contributing to Success in Engineering Education and to Establishing a Successful Career in Engineering”, 59th Annual ASEE North Midwest Section Meeting, Iowa City, October 9, 1997.
- Stone, K.M. and Zunkel, Karen. “Not All Engineers Drive Trains,” poster session. Presented at the Engineering Pipeline National Conference, Houston, TX, September 1992.
- Stubblefield, Michael A., Montgomery, V. T., Dunbar, Josephine T., Pang, S.S. and Turner, Andrew J. “Benefits and Plans for Forming a High School/University Engineering Consortium for Minority Students.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20 -25, 1994.
- Sullivan, Edward. “Developing a National Incident Management Data Base and Incident Detection Issues: An Ongoing FHWA Research Project.” Presented at the Conference on Traffic Management and Planning for Freeway Emergencies and Special Events, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 1994.
- Sullivan, E., Chatziioanou, A., Taff, S., and Staley, C. “INRAD: A Demonstration of Two-Way roadway to Vehicle Communications for Use in Traffic Operations,” 1992 Compendium of Technical Papers. Presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., August, 1992.
- Sullivan, E., Taff, S., and Staley, C. “A Simulation and Data Management Environment for Off-Line Testing of IVHS Technologies and Strategies.” Presented at the Pacific Rim TransTech Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Seattle, WA, July, 1993.
- Thomas, Robert and Eide, Arvid. “Technology for Education.” Presented at the ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November 11-14, 1992.
- Vanasupa, L.S. “A 69cents Look At the Glass Softening Temperature.” Presented at the National Educators Workshop, November 1992.
- Vittal, Vijay. “Multi-Media and Its Use in Power Engineering Education,” panel presentation. Presented at the 1993 IEEE PES Winter Power Meeting, University of Minnesota, Columbus, OH, 1993.
- Walsh, D. and Rogers, G. “Visualizing Solidification Using Organic Analogs,” NIST Educators Workshop. Presented at Standard Experiments in Engineering Materials, Oak Ridge, TN, November, 1992.
- Williams, Randolph and Ibekwe, Samuel I. “Design Experience of an Undergraduate Student at Southern University.” Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Regional Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 20-25, 1994.
- Wujek, C., National Technological University Videoconference, January 1994. Frontiers in Education, November 1994. IEEE Engineering Management Society, May 1996 UC Berkeley Industry Liaison Program conferences, March 1993, March 1995. Industry Mechatronics Committee, March, 1996.
- Yaghi, H. “Innovative Multimedia Database Prototype Design.” Presented at the International Education and Technology 9th Conference, Paris, France, March, 1992.
For courseware, refer to the NEEDS (National Engineering Education Delivery System) database.
Other Media
- Carryer, J. Edward, Smart Product Design Lab Information Web Site
- Hsi, S., Hoadley, C.M., and Linn, M.C. “Assessment: The Multimedia Forum Kiosk Assessment Tool for Curricular Reform Evaluation,” Final Project Report, University of California at Berkeley, August, 1994.
- Hoadley, C. M., Hsi, S., & Berman, B. P. “Networked Multimedia for Communication and Collaboration.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California, April, 1995. Also available as ERIC (Educational Research Information Clearinghouses) document ED382181. Slides from the presentation are also available in Rich Text Format or in Macintosh powerpoint format.
- Mendel, M., “EOR 140 WWW interface to mechatronic machines:” (in progress, to be implemented Spring semester 1997)
- Moller-Wong, Cheryl (Iowa State University). “Engineering Game Plans: Designing Before the First Play,” Videotape and Resource Manual. Distributed to all Middle Schools in Iowa, 1993.
- Moller-Wong, Cheryl (Iowa State University). “Not All Engineers Drive Trains,” Big Book, Coloring Book and Resource Manual. Distributed to all Iowa first grade classrooms and other locations in the United States and Abroad, 1992.
- Vittal, Vijay (Iowa State University). Development of three video-tapes on the generation subsystem, transmission subsystem, and distribution subsystem, 1993.
- Vittal, Vijay (Iowa State University). Development of a visualization program for the power flow, 1993.
- Wen, Y. and A.M. Agogino, “People, Products and Strategies,” 1988. Courseware
- Wingert, Laura and Moller-Wong, Cheryl. “Football Video” presented at the Engineering Pipeline National Conference, Houston, TX, September 1992.
- Yu, D. and A.M. Agogino, “Virtual Disk Drive Design Studio,” (with D. Yu), CD ROM, Synthesis Coalition, 3112 Etcheverry Hall, UC Berkeley (Sampler on the NEEDS Database at, 1997 v. 1.0b5. Winner of a 1997 Premier Courseware Award for instructional software, 1997.
Course Notes
- Aglan, H., Dissection Manuals to support the ME 206 course offered every semester at Tuskegee Univ.
- Genalo, Lawrence J., PC Based “Authorware” Courseware Modules for ENGR. 160, Revised, 1995 (Computer based and hardcopy version available).
- Genalo, Lawrence J., PC Based “Authorware” Courseware Modules for ENGR. 160, Revised, 1994 (Computer based and hardcopy version available).
- Genalo, Lawrence J., PC Based “Authorware” Courseware Modules for ENGR. 160, 1993 (Computer based and hardcopy version available).
- Genalo, Lawrence J., PC Based “Authorware” Courseware Modules for ENGR. 160, 1992 (Computer based and hardcopy version available).
- Genalo, Lawrence J., PC Based “Authorware” Interactive Tutorials for ENGR 160, 1993-94.
- Genalo, Lawrence J., PC Based “Authorware” Interactive Tutorials for ENGR 160, 1992-93.
- Leifer, L. “ME210abc: Mechatronics Systems Design & Methodology,” an information package available from the Department of Mechanical Engineering Design Division, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. (1993, June).
- Moazzami, S., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. (1994)
- Sheppard, S.D. “ME99: Mechanical Dissection.” Available from CDR, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- Sheppard, S.D. “ME99: Mechanical Dissection Exercises in K-12 Education.” Available from CDR, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- Sullivan, E., CE 114 lab manual, Second Edition, Copy Center. Cal Poly State University. San Luis Obispo, CA 93407