Teaching Design Thinking and Doing
MBA 290N, ME290P
Managing the New Product Development Process: Design Theory and Methodology
Prof. Alice Agogino, 415 Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS), x2-6450, agogino@berkeley.edu. She sometimes posts updates on Twitter: http://twitter.com/agogino
Michael Borrus, Professional Faculty, Haas School of Business, Business and XSeed Capital mborrus@berkeley.edu.
Teaching Assistants:
Daniel Lim, 4th floor Sutdarja Dai Hall (CITRIS), limdan7@berkeley.edu
Course Objectives:
This Management of Technology course at the University of California, Berkeley is operationally-focused and aims to develop the interdisciplinary skills required for successful product development in today’s competitive marketplace. Engineering, iSchool, Business, etc. students from Berkeley (and in some years, Industrial Design students from California College of the Arts) join forces on small product development teams to step through the new product development process in detail, learning about the available tools and techniques to execute each process step along the way. Each student brings his or her own disciplinary perspective to the team effort, and must learn to synthesize that perspective with those of the other students in the group to develop a sound, marketable product. Students can expect to depart the semester understanding new product development processes as well as useful tools, techniques and organizational structures that support new product development practice in the context of the “triple bottom line”: economy, environment and society. Although the course focuses on the application of these principles to new product development, they are more broadly applicable to innovation in general – of products, services, organizations, business strategies and governmental policies. This semester we will also be joined by students from the National Autonomous Universty of Mexico (UNAM) to provide an international collaboration experience. This course will also receive credit towards the new Engineers and Business Sustainability Certificate.
Information and Syllabi:
- Fall 2015: Syllabus and Schedule.
- Fall 2013: Tradeshow NPD2013 PressRelease and news Students Practice Rapid Prototyping in Multidisciplinary Product Course.
This semester we will also be joined by students from the National Autonomous Universty of Mexico (UNAM) to provide an international collaboration experience. - Fall 2011: New Product Development class in the news: Haas Achieves Maker Lair: Students Develop New Products in Hands-on Course.
- Fall 2010: Tradeshow NPD2010_tradeshow_poster
- Fall 2009: Tradeshow photographs.
- Fall 2008 Project Section: Engineering, Business and Information Management students from Berkeley and industrial design students from the California College of the Arts join forces on small product development teams to step through the new product development process in detail, learning about the available tools and techniques to execute each process step along the way. This semester we will also be joined by students from the National Autonomous Universty of Mexico (UNAM) to provide an international collaboration experience. CCA instructor: Nathan Shedroff California College of the Arts, FAX 415 551 9215, nathan@nathan.com.
- Fall 2007: Tradeshow poster
- Fall 2006: Crafts join forces on small product development teams.
See final projects in the tradeshow 2006. - Fall 2006 Case Study Section (Section 2): This course is built around a series of readings and case studies, integrated with a small multidisciplinary team projects with engineering and Business students. Students can expect to depart the semester understanding new product development processes as well as useful tools, techniques and organizational structures that support new product development practice.
- Fall 2005: Tradeshow poster 2005
- Fall 2004: IDSA article
- Fall 2003: Tradeshow (pdf)
- Fall 2002: Tradeshow (pdf)
- Fall 2001: Tradeshow (pdf)
- Fall 1999: Tradeshow
- Fall 1998: Trade Show invitation and Photos and Slides.
- Fall 1997: Trade Show invitation
- Fall 1996: Project Descriptions
- Fall 1995: Project Descriptions