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- Official BEST Lab channel on Youtube
- BEST Lab Introduction to Tensegrity Robotic Research
- ME Student Video of BEST Lab
- Nadia Pit Stop – Omoju Miller: Join the TEACH campaign at and Take The TEACH Pledge at Support great teaching and encourage the next generation to teach., May 2015
- Alice Agogino: Socially-Engaged Engineers, March 2015
- ICRA 2015 SUPERball Tensegrity Robot, Nov. 2014
- CEWiT 1st Anniversary Celebration featuring Google’s Omoju Miller: The IU Center of Excellence for Women in Technology (CEWiT) officially launched in October, 2013. On October 22, 2014, we celebrated our first anniversary with a welcome and introduction by IU First Lady & CEWiT Co-Founder and Advisory Council Chair Laurie Burns McRobbie and a presentation from Omoju Miller from Google. She presented, “Inventing the mythical creature: How to stay, lead, and delight in tech as a woman,” in which she discussed changing the focus of the conversation from struggling for inclusion, to one that makes women full-fledged, authentic, and respected collaborators in technology, Oct 2014
- Alice Agogino and Tensegrity Team at UC Berkeley, Sep. 2014
- Design and Innovation Seminar: Alice Agogino, “Valuing Design”, May 2, 2014
- Projeto ICD – Alice Agogino 2014 PARTE 1 and PARTE 2 (Q&A) (Alice Agogino’s Lecture on Designing the Internet of Things in Brazil)
- Projecto ICD – Alice Agogino Debate: Can Sustainability Drive Design Innovation? (Brazil, July 2014)
- Sustainable Tribal Buildings & Renewable Energy Systems, Alice Agogino CITRIS Research Exchange, Oct. 2013
- This Jumble of Tent Poles Could Be NASA’s Next Titan-exploring Robot, IEEE Spectrum, Dec. 2013 (over 380,000 views)
- Omoju Miller, University Now: Omoju is a UniversityNow intern, working towards her PhD in Computer Science and Education. With a unique perspective as a Nigerian-born American citizen, she believes in the power of learning to lift people out of poverty and has dedicated her career to innovating technology so more people around the globe, Aug. 2012
- Berkeley Sustainability in Products and Practice, June 2012: Alice Agogino, David Edmunds, Ryan Shelby and others talk about sustainability in various aspects of life – from cultural sustainability that is implemented in the houses built for the Native American Pinoleville Pomo Nation people to implementing sustainability in surf boards by reusing and utilizing sustainable materials.
- TEDxEuclidAve: Achieving Social Impact, Omoju Miller and guests, Oct. 2012.
- Greening The Internet of Things: Smart Products in a Smart Grid, Alice Agogino’s Distinctive Voices Seminar for the National Academy of Engineering, Aug. 2011.
- CARES receives Chancellor’s Award for Public Service video of ceremony, May 2010. The Tribal CARES team wins the 2010 Chancellor’s Award for Public Service Campus, Community Assessment of Renewable Energy and Sustainability – Pinoleville Pomo Nation Partnership.
- RERIP, Part I, Part II and Part 3: Sustainable surfboards project; ReStoked-ME110 Project