Congratulations to BESTie Corie Cobb, Innovation Professor in Clean Energy Corie Cobb, Mechanical Engineering at U of Washington @InFabLab! She was recently elected to the Washington State Academy of Science in recognition of her outstanding record of scientific & technical achievement, & her willingness to work on behalf of the Academy to bring the best available science to bear on issues within WA.
Her election recognizes her development of 3D architectures for next-gen battery electrodes as well as advanced manufacturing methods to accelerate commercialization @InFabLab! Her election recognizes her development of 3D architectures for next-gen battery electrodes as well as advanced manufacturing methods to accelerate commercialization.
Last year she received the DARPA Director’s Fellowship Award, which recognizes her work to develop new manufacturing methods that address issues in energy storage.
Corie Cobb’s dissertation was on “Case-based Reasoning for MEMS Design Synthesis”.
I was recently able to visit Corie in person to congratulate her at her favorite restaurant in Seattle, Ivar’s Salmon House.
Corie Cobb and Alice Agogino (photo taken by Dale Gieringer)
Arianne Agogino Gieringer, Dale Gieringer, Alice Agogino (photo taken by Corie Cobb)