Undergraduate researcher Kimberley Fountain gave a poster presentation of her research at the 2015 SACNAS National Conference in Washington, D.C. The judges recognized her research on “Impact-Testing the Integrity of 6-Strut Tensegrities,” as a standout among the student presentations, and selected her to receive one of the 2015 SACNAS Student Presentation Awards.
SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists—from college students to professionals—to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science.This year, the National Conference gathered over 3600//students and professionals. Taking place over three days, the conference showcased both undergraduate and graduate student presentations, offered scientific symposia, keynote addresses, professional development sessions, and a grand exhibit hall in which students interacted with over 300 exhibitors representing colleges and universities across the nation. In addition to these activities, the conference was also an opportunity for students to present their research in a professional setting. This year, over 800 posters and oral presentations were delivered at the conference. Each year we receive comments from attendees highly impressed by the caliber of student research. Our undergraduate and graduate students consistently present research that surpasses expectations in their respective categories.
The press release says: It is our honor to share that Ms. Kimberly Fountain’s communication skills and command of the research topic were exemplary. This letter recognizes the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice necessary for a student to standout from their fellow presenters.
More on our robots at Berkeley Emergent Space Tensegrities.