Alice Agogino’s Dev Eng C200 class delve into a Cookstove case study, gathering observational data and practicing data analytics.
A cookstove experiment was conducted outside the Haas School of Business as part of our new class on Design, Evaluate and Scale Development Technologies. This class serves as a core class for the Ph.D. designated emphasis in Development Engineering and also the Product Design concentration for the Mechanical Engineering MEng degree. Faculty interviewed are Alice M. Agogino (Mechanical Engineering) and David Levine (Haas School of Business), the co-instructors of the core class in the Development Engineering graduate minor. Graduate students interviewed are Pierce Gordon (Energy Resources Group) and Karan Patel (Product Design, Mechanical Engineering). We were also joined by Ashok Gadgil (Environmental Engineering and LBNL), Vi Rapp (LBNL) and Susan Amrose (Environmental Engineering and LBNL), all of whom have been involved in developing, testing and refining the Berkeley Darfur Stove.
The COE home page currently has it on the front page: Cookstove case study – Students in the new development engineering class make lunch on cookstoves. “The Dev Eng class trains students to tackle development technology design challenges, like building a better, cleaner and more efficient cookstove, from a holistic perspective. “The idea,” says Alice Agogino, a mechanical engineering professor and one of the course’s instructors, “is to combine engineering technologies with economic, business and impact analysis.”
The YouTube video is at: